“Stone”—A Part Of Malchut

741.02Question: The Torah and other sources use the word “stone” very often: stones taken from the River Jordan, stones from which the altar is built, stones placed on graves. What is it about?

Answer: Stones are unchanging objects of nature. A stone is considered something that does not change, something that is unshakable.

From the perspective of Kabbalah, stones are parts of Malchut that a person works with; he either builds buildings with them, shoots them from a sling, and so on.

Comment: It is written in the Torah that the Creator threw stones at their enemies and thereby helped the Israelites. You explained it as a burdening of desires.

My Response: This is also true. However, a stone itself is something unshakable, a part of Malchut.

Stone (Even) comes from the word “Havana,” understanding. If we are talking about the part of Malchut ascending to Bina, then we are talking about understanding when we already realize which part it is.

But if we are talking about burdening, then by stone we mean addition of desires, addition of egoism.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/20/21

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