Finding Balance In Inequality

959Question: We are all aware that there is inequality and that we are not equal to each other. Yet we constantly compare ourselves to others and measure what we are worth compared to others, which leads to great suffering. There isn’t a person who is not frustrated by something or anyone who thinks that he is the best in everything, since eventually there is always something that makes us feel bad.

Why do we do that?

Answer: We want to be at least like everyone else, not more than them.

Our nature pushes us to do that, and it seems that it is right. The only question is how to fulfill the call of nature that makes me want to be more. If I fulfill this correctly for the sake of others, I will probably have no conflicts with others and they will accept me and I will have something to be proud of without feeling any shame or being criticized, etc.

This means that everything depends on a person’s positive attitude to others.
From KabTV’s “New Life – 1323” 11/7/21

Related Material:
New Life 1323 – Feeling Equal To Others
The Secret Of Universal Equality
Not Equalization, But Complementing Each Other

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