My Descent Is A Gain For The Group

260.01My descent is a big gain for the group because I am now presenting the left line, the desire to enjoy, which first revealed within me after the shattering. And if I join with this desire to the group, to the direction that everyone is going, I will add fuel to them, the material of desire.

And the light that they will receive from above on this material will give everyone the opportunity to advance. After all, all our advancement is on two legs. And now I am using the left line with my newly grown egoism, which the Creator revealed to me. And the group helps me and adds the right line to this. So everyone brings his egoistic desire to the group and the group helps him balance this desire, and we go forward as if on two legs.

Therefore, we should not be ashamed and upset because new egoism is revealed in us. Baal HaSulam wrote: “I am glad that sinners are revealed,” egoistic thoughts and desires, because this is the basis for further advancement.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/30/21, “Baal HaSulam. Shamati, 10. What is “Hurry, My Beloved,” in the Work?”

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