Smother Him With Your Love

527.02“Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins” (Native American wisdom quote).

That’s right. What does this mean for us? You must first correct yourself, and then you will be able to see others correctly.

To correct yourself means to correct your attitude toward others; that is, make it absolutely kind, at least absolutely neutral. Do not perceive the other person as corrupted, evil, and so on. Then, on this condition, you can see the facts, the truth.

Question: How should I treat a person whom I instinctively, naturally dislike? He is my enemy.

Answer: You should do as it is written, “Who is the mightiest of the mighty? He who makes his foe his friend.”

Question: Could you give advice on how to do this?

Answer: Do to him all the good things that you would do if you loved him.

Smother him with your love. It is very difficult. But when the understanding comes that the world is built on this and we need to act in this way, even though it takes years, then everything becomes simple.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/15/21

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