Death Or Life By Vote?

962.1In the News (New York Post): “A 16-year-old girl killed herself after sharing an Instagram poll asking followers whether she should die — and 69 percent of them said she should, reports said.”

My Response: Many people would kill themselves if they could do so easily by taking a pill, falling asleep, and that’s it. Why suffer? This life is miserable if one doesn’t find a filling in it, elation, the attainment of a certain dream, and we all die someday anyway.

But society does the right thing by not letting this inclination grow. We need to “choose life” as it says in the Torah, but this must be chosen.  And in order to do so, we need to try, strive, and seek.

The wisdom of Kabbalah offers us a way to do so, but a person needs to reach it and to find perfect eternal life in it.

Question: What is the goal of the upper management in bringing a person to such a point?

Answer: Its goal is that a person will find out that there is a meaning to life. Not the one he lives in. At the moment he lives a beastly life, and he has to ascend to the next level.

Question: Are you in favor of enticing a person by pleasures or pushing him from behind by suffering?

Answer: I am in favor of attracting a person with pleasures.

Question: Does this mean to show him that this world is worth living for?

Answer: The upper world. Of course.

Question: The world above egoism, as you say all the time.

Answer: Yes, indeed. This is exactly what is worth living for. A person will then find himself in constant motion, in self-development. It is a totally different world, a totally different feeling. A person will see how something in him changes from day to day, upward, downward, whichever direction, but he will be in internal motion and in expectation.

He will be in a state of revealing the upper state, which means the perfect eternal world. He exits his beastly body with his emotions, attainments and knowledge, and begins to feel the higher state.

Question: Do I cease to feel sickness, fears, and sufferings of this world with this feeling of harmony and balance with nature? Do I exit all that or not?

Answer: There are illnesses that you cannot stop feeling because they belong to your beastly state. There are sensations that you feel from time to time, but they belong to a psychological state. Yet, you are already guided by a totally different attitude to your existence, to the world.

Question: Is the change of attitude the main thing?

Answer: Of course! This is the most important thing for a person. A person exists in spirit!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/4/19

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