Who Are Real Friends?

939.01Question: “The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.” (UN.org)

What is International Friendship Day for you?

Answer: For me, everyday is like this. I meet with my students. Our regular congress ended the other day. Four to five thousand people were in a real time connection via the Internet. We saw each other, we listened, we talked, and we felt each other. These are friends.

Friends are people who are close to you in terms of purpose, perception of the world, and life, its inner harmony and external discord.

Question: They don’t need to be reminded of anything?

Answer: No. We all experience this every day. A friend is someone who understands how you feel, and in some ways is in solidarity with you, in other ways, maybe not. But he understands you, you understand him. And together you are constantly looking for some common moments of rapprochement.

Question: Even if these are simple moments of rapprochement, in every day life? Would you call that a friend, too?

Answer: I think so, as well. Because in the end, all of our high matter is also there to make it all a corporeal rapprochement. We don’t need anything else, it should be very simple: rise above our conventionality, above all that man, nations, people, and states live by. Rise above this into mutual bestowal, mutual love, mutual support and you will gain a sense of upper force.

I think that there should still be a mutual sense of inner connection. This is the first thing.

And second, we must understand how we need to help each other and participate together in creating a common spiritual space, a spiritual grid on which we exist. It can be based simultaneously on the desire to help physically and materially, but, in general, it is a spiritual network.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/7/21

Related Material:
What Is Friendship?
Kabbalistic Friendship
The Nuances Of The Term “Friend”

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