Among Soulless Buildings

426Question: In Canada, studies have been conducted to measure the happiness index. It turned out that in rich cities where people earn incomes normally and are more successful, the level of happiness is very low. And in small towns where people earn less but communicate closely with each other, they are happier.

So, it is human relationships that build what is called happiness. Why does living in a big city negatively affect a person?

Answer: City life weighs on us. When you are trapped in a box: neighbors here, neighbors there, above and below, you feel like you are in prison. We may not be aware of it, but it still affects us subconsciously.

The life of people in high-rise buildings is a vast field for research. On the outskirts of large cities, whole districts of 15 to 20-floor-high buildings are built. They are absolutely soulless, they have no features, not architectural or human. You go out of the house, and like a child who has been spun around stopped in place, you stand and do not understand where your home is.

I think there will be a rebound soon.
From KabTV’s “Conversations” 6/9/21

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