Connect All Opposite Parts Of Creation

546.02We must connect all the opposite parts of creation and connect with the Creator. But first, we must discover these opposites in the entire creation and be convinced that it is impossible to connect them together.

Only because we are in this corporeal imaginary world can we imagine that two parts of creation can connect. But gradually, this deception will be revealed.

This is what happens today when we find that we cannot get along with each other, we cannot get close and be friends. We tolerate each other only out of necessity, subconsciously making an egoistic calculation that it is more profitable to live in peace, or we simply will not survive. But this does not mean that we complement each other and use our oppositeness to our advantage.

We still have a lot of work to do to find out that any detail of creation that we are able to distinguish is revealed to us only through the presence of the opposite quality. And so, day by day, we will find ourselves in an increasingly broken world.

And although we are already accustomed to such an existence, we must admit that our whole reality is completely egoistic, that no one supports another, and that no one wants the others to exist in the way they want to.

So, we come to the revelation of complete separation from which we will begin to elevate ourselves: we will reveal the necessity and benefit of the shattered desires, and we will want to bring them closer and connect them correctly.

Only by the right combination do we bring the whole creation back to the correct, good connection. Then people will stop becoming increasingly disconnected and galaxies will stop spreading apart and distancing from each other, because thanks to the right connection, everyone will find a place within others. This is the way to achieve correction of creation.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/20/21,” Justifying The Creator”

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