Why Do Kabbalists Rejoice In Descents?

237Question: In Kabbalah there are states such as descents and ascents. They say that Kabbalists rejoice in the descents. Why?

Answer: As a result of experience, practice, and Kabbalistic experience, the Kabbalist begins to understand that his descents precede the next great ascent. Therefore, he rejoices in the fall as well as in the ascent. He understands that it is impossible without this. After all, the fall is simply the opening of a greater desire into which he will then receive fulfillment.

Question: Even in Kabbalah, there is a concept that the work itself should cause joy, and this is a test. Does a person experience joy not from the future state, not from the benefits that he will receive from something, but from the work itself?

Answer: Yes. Where I am, I must try to live not in the future, but in the present. If now I am also attached to the Creator, to my companions, and fulfill my task of realizing the goal of creation, then I am still in a beautiful state and do not want anything more.

If I feel that I am in an absolutely good condition at every moment, then I am really on the right path.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/3/19

Related Material:
Descent – Ascent
The Joy Of Anticipation Of Ascent
When Your Ups And Downs End

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