Nations Of The World And Moral Principles

631.5Question: A well-educated population is more tolerant of sexual minorities, but is intolerant of the violation of moral norms in their own selfish interests, for example: bribery, tax violation. A group of religious people is much closer to such a moral principle.

Do you, as a Kabbalist, believe that moral principles should remain unchanged or can change depending on the circumstances?

Answer: True moral principles do not depend on anything. They do not belong to societies or religions, but are above that.

Question: Do you think that moral norms should be the same for everyone or each nation can have their own norms of behavior and moral principles?

Answer: Norms of behavior can be different in different nations and moral principles should be the same for everyone. Although it depends on the development of the nation. But all norms and principles should be aimed toward love your neighbor as yourself.

Question: Considering that all people have different levels of desire according to the Maslow’s hierarchy, could it be assumed that each level has its own norms of behavior?

Answer: Relatively. But everyone should understand where they are on this pyramid. And, although one has not attained the highest levels yet, one knows these levels exist.

Comment: You say that there should be one principle, love your neighbor. And norms could be different in each nation. But inside the nation, there are different layers, more developed and less developed.

My Response: Yes, but they all belong to the single pyramid, the peak of which is love your neighbor as yourself.

Question: Do ethical and moral norms need to be classified according to age, gender, and nationality? Or should they be universal and a person should be gradually taught them from childhood?

Answer: Undoubtedly, a person should be taught this from childhood and constantly. It is imperative to lead him to these principles raising them to a level that does not depend on the nature of man, on his national, ethnic, and other characteristics. This is the responsibility of all humanity.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/9/20

Related Material:
The Difference Between Moral Principles And Moral Norms
The Main Moral Principle Of Humanity
The Basis Of Moral Principles

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