Motivation To Get Closer

528.03Question: Many emotional effects appear during communication between people such as the domino effect, the butterfly effect, and the effect of social facilitation.

When I am around other people, all my senses begin to intensify. Social arousal occurs. What do you think the optimal number of people should be to increase a person’s motivation to get closer?

Answer: I don’t know, but the more people that gather around a person, the more they can influence him. It is possible that this depends on the character of the individual. For one person, twenty people is enough for him to get carried away with them and for someone else, it would take 300.

However, this all refers to the egoistic qualities of a person. I’m not an expert here.

Question: Is it better to get motivated in a small team of dedicated people, let’s say, ten people who are seriously moving toward the goal, or in a large environment in which several million people are looking at you?

Answer: I can’t say. This is all very individual for both for a person and for each specific case.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 9/25/20

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