Every Day To The Polls?

294.2When I listen to speeches from the Knesset [the legislative branch of the Israeli government], I wonder what kind of elections they are talking about. What are we going to choose? Does every speaker have a program to bring the whole country together and make society a better place? No one can offer any solution for connection, each only tries to prove their case.

But in this form, everyone is wrong, everyone brings separation, and there is no one to follow. No one calls for connection and unity, but only demonstrates how he is the only one who is right and the others are wrong. If this continues, of course, we will hold elections not only four times a year but every day. I do not know how the state can function in such conditions.

We must understand that only our internal efforts to unite the whole nation and the whole world can bring peace to the world. Otherwise, explosive points will always arise that threaten to flare up in war.

Nothing is more important than our efforts to unite the nation. But the problem is that everyone thinks that only they know how to unite and only under their leadership can unity be achieved. However, we see all these attempts fail one after another.

And this will continue until we change our approach in a way that we do not define exactly how it should be, but everyone should think that first of all unity should be in their heart. That is when it will be implemented. No matter in what form, I do not set any conditions: the main thing is to strive for connection. Getting close to each other is always a good thing.

The question is what to do if there are several groups, several parties, and opposite methods, and each one thinks that they are right and the other is wrong? There is only one solution. No one should have any other opinion but the desire to unite, as it is said “Love will cover all transgressions.”

All transgressions, all contradictions, do not need to be taken into account at all. All these differences remain between us, we are aware of them, we understand that we are far from each other and are opposite, everyone among us: socialists, communists, opportunists, capitalists, etc. No matter what party, there are several dozen of them in the small country of Israel, and they will grow endlessly if the separation continues.

We must understand that we cannot talk about our contradictions with each other because it is clear that everyone’s egoism manifests in its natural form, which is different from the others. In this respect, each person is unique, so should everyone organize their own personal party?

And if he digs deeper into himself, he will see that he is also torn by conflicting opinions and will have to divide himself into several battling parties. There is no other solution than to rise above all obstacles, all contradictions, and cover all crimes with love.

Transgressions help us build love because we must cover all the differences with it. This is why sins are revealed—to help us build love—this is how it comes from the thought of creation, the thought of the Creator.

If we treat each other in this way, there will be no disagreements, attacks, and quarrels between people and parties. We will build together, each will take into account their idea of their own righteousness and mistakes of others, but will cover it all with love. This will be the right structure.

And then each party and each person will build a form of love that is based on the opposite of their negative critical feelings of others. There will be hatred inside and love outside, until we see the whole world as corrected and ourselves in the best possible state.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/3/20, “Unity Above All”

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