Connection Between The Development Of Desires And Motivation

557Question: There are several types of motivation: external and internal, positive and negative, stable (satisfying thirst, hunger, etc.) and unstable (quitting smoking, dieting). There are motivations that drive people’s actions (self- affirmation, respect, power, self-development).

What kind of processes occur in a person when he has motivation? What does he feel?

Answer: He has a clear direction: what he should come to, to what form, to what future, and how he imagines it. Motivation includes a clear vision of the future including solving the problem of how to achieve this future and realize it.

Question: Is it possible to trace the connection between the development of desires and motivation?

Answer: Naturally, because the development of desires is the development of motivations. If at first a person had a desire only to get food, then later, there is a need for procreation, building a family, and a home. And later, a desire emerged to rise above others, to fight for a more comfortable existence, and so on. In our history, we have been through all these facets, gradations, and degrees.

Question: Today internal motivation, i.e., self-realization, works more than external motivation. And external motivations, such as money and career, work less. What is the reason?

Answer: The fact is that as a result of our development, we are increasingly attracted to spiritual rather than material values. We are increasingly moving away from the animalistic state.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 8/28/20

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