A New Page Every Day

219.01Question: It is generally believed that at the beginning of each session, it is important to briefly repeat what was said in the previous session. Why don’t you do this?

Answer: Because I don’t want a person to start a new page by repeating the past from the old page. He does not need that. He needs to come up empty. Empty!

In Kabbalah, it is not like in all other methods where they first repeat previous material and then go further. We start every day anew.

Sometimes it happens that we did not finish a topic for some reason. Then we might repeat a little. But in general, no. It is said about this: “Every day will be as new in your eyes.”

Remark: In conventional methods, in order to understand that students have memorized the material, it is very effective to have surveys, tests, exercises. You never check knowledge, you do not conduct tests or exams.

My Comment: I don’t want to force students to memorize. I want them to just feel that they have to change internally. Can I run tests on their internal changes?

Remark: Sometimes you give homework, but you never check it.

My Comment: What for? I believe that if a person wants to be my student, he must constantly think about what he heard from the teacher.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/24/20

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