Illusion Or Reality?

928Question: What remains after death?

Answer: Nothing disappears in the universe. We simply stop feeling ourselves existing in the physical body and begin feeling in a different form.

Question: Is our world an illusion or reality?

Answer: What is the difference? An illusion is something that we thought was real before and then suddenly it turned out to be an illusion, something imaginary. It can be the other way around. There is no difference. We cannot distinguish one from the other; we have nothing to compare it with.

Question: So, there is no objectivity?

Answer: No, of course not. We cannot rise above ourselves and start to feel the universe, not from within ourselves. Therefore, we cannot talk about things that happen outside of the body, outside of life and death.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/1/20

Related Material:
What Dies And What Remains?
How Can We Distinguish Between Reality And Illusion?
Fantasies And Reality, Part 1

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