See The World Through Others

423.02Question: How can a person realize that what he sees in the world is the result of his uncorrected worldview, his uncorrected qualities?

Answer: It’s not easy. If a person constantly controls himself, i.e., is engaged in self-analysis and self-examination, and tries to make something objective out of himself, then he understands what his reactions are.

By being in the right society and constantly showing an example of this attitude to everyone, he can tune in to the perception of reality in such a way that he will clearly distinguish: I feel this in my egoism, which needs to be raised and corrected all the time. And thus he will see the world differently.

Question: Can this be taught?

Answer: Yes, but everything is very difficult. In principle, nobody engages in this because this is not the usual work of a person on himself when acquiring skills or a trade, but it is a clear direction to get a new view of the world.

A new view of the world is a completely different state for a person, it is the quality of giving and loving others; it is when it is necessary to change oneself. This is a completely different method of change, not professional development, not changing yourself by being exposed to regular exercises and activities, but very special exercises and activities that can lead a person to see the world through others, i.e., as others see it.

Remark: So, this means that others are like a mirror of himself for himself. In principle, this would solve all our problems. Imagine if people had no complaints against anyone—neither spouses to spouses, nor country to country—then we would only be engaged in correcting ourselves and not others.

My Comment: Quite true.

Question: But this is only possible with a good environment that understands and cultivates it. Still, a person must have some inclination to do this?

Answer: Yes, but that would not be everybody. There are very few such people in every generation.

Question: Is this something innate? Or can anyone be taught this if there is an appropriate environment?

Answer: In principle, yes. Still, there are people who are born with a predisposition to change themselves and observe the world as if through others.

For this, a person must rise above his egoism and acquire the quality of love and connection with others. Moreover, with a certain positive environment, and not with some violators or others, only in this way will he be able to observe the world completely different, not through his egoistic “I.”
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/7/20

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