What Makes Us Change The Values Of Life?

627.2Question: We see that even being on his deathbed, a person continues to think about nonsense and does not change his values. It is scary even to imagine what scale the crisis should be in order to change us with its pressure. Who or what will make a person radically change the values of this life?

Answer: Changing the values of life is possible only under the influence of a higher power, a higher light, which lifts us above our world, pulls us out of purely animal desires. In this case, animal desires are replaced by human desires, proceeding from the next level of nature. Then we can talk about our growth.

And so in man the desires of our world prevail, nothing else. He simply does not understand what the Kabbalists are concerned about. He thinks: “If you live – live, if you die – die. What can you do? This is life.” And only if the higher light shines upon a person and under its influence does the person begin to think and make other decisions.

Who comes to study Kabbalah? Those people who have questions about the meaning of life. They are already from the next level, the so-called “faith above reason.”

We live in our flat knowledge: It is what it is. But there is still a level called “faith above reason.” It is not blind faith to believe, to be religious. This is the next level of perception of reality.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 5/17/20

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