Period Of Wandering, Part 2

749.02Rising Above the Egoistic Nature

Comment: A group of people who gathered from various tribes of ancient Babylon discovered the upper law of nature and began to call themselves “Israel,” that is, “directly to the Creator.”

It is said that, thanks to the righteousness of the forefathers, the sons of Israel were successful. During the 400 years of development in Egypt, they received training and tipped the scales to the side of merit. Every person from the people of Israel accepted to practice love of your neighbor as the way to achieve correction.

My Response: The Jews appeared as a group in ancient Babylon, they continued their development with the help of ever-increasing connection at different stages of the growth of egoism, which increased not quantitatively, but qualitatively.

The more they united qualitatively, the stronger they felt the only power of nature, meaning the Creator, which was revealed precisely in the connection between them.

Question: Since the Torah is an instruction on how to come to the right communication or “love your neighbor as yourself,” to the extent that the sons of Israel unite due to the observance of the Torah, they pass their strength or method of connection to other nations.

When the other nations will tip the scales to the side of merit, as the people of Israel did 3,000 years ago, then the Messiah will come, meaning a force that pulls us out of egoism. It is said: “And all nations will rush to the Creator.”

It turns out that a group of people stand out in nature who themselves must achieve this unity, and then pass it on to everyone else. Why can’t it be given to everyone right away?

Answer: Because by the ability to reveal the Creator, all people are divided into five levels. The group that is most sensitive to this is attracted to the desire to unite in order to develop the quality of unity, the quality of correcting egoism, and discovering the force opposite to it among themselves.

And the rest of humanity is gradated on the same scale into groups that are gradually attracted to this. Indeed, among them there are scientists and musicians, physicists, and lyricists, etc. That is, they are divided according to interests, depending upon to what they are predisposed. But all the same, in all these groups, their constant development takes place.

In the end it should lead them to understand that the real development of the person lies precisely in the elevation above his egoism in connection with others. At the same time, they convey completely special properties of nature, its special strength, a special vision of the entire system of the universe. And they really reveal the meaning of their own existence and the existence of the whole world to themselves.

Question: That is, we are at the evolutionary stage of development, when we must develop in ourselves another being called “Adam” (human)?

Answer: Yes. It is the elevation above our animal selfish nature; when we make this transformation, it makes us a human being.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel,” 7/15/19

Related Material:
Period Of Wandering, Part 1
Long Way To The Temple, Part 4
The History Of The Jewish People

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