The Uniqueness Of The Force Governing Us, Part 8

624.02Turn to the Law of Nature

Question: How can one turn to an invariable, perfect power, to the law of nature, so that He would give me something to change?

Answer: One can turn to Him only with one request: that He will help us see the world correctly. Then there will not be any problems.

If we really ask Him, He does everything so that this world will become a very bitter place for us and very difficult so that it will confuse us. As we move forward and develop, we get more and more obstacles. Therefore, we have more and more reasons to turn to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 11/24/19

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The Uniqueness Of The Force Governing Us, Part 7
The Uniqueness Of The Force Governing Us, Part 6
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