Reshimo And Time Travel

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is a Reshimo (spiritual gene)?

Answer: A Reshimo is a record of the complete spiritual state.

Suppose, now I want to be ten years younger. So I arouse the Reshimo (informational record) of the state I want to be in, I realize it, and jump there.

That is, a Reshimo is a complete informational record of a specific state. It contains absolutely everything except for Light.

In this way, I can find myself in any state that is necessary for me to maximally reveal the Light of the Creator in the entire system.

Question: Does this mean that I can travel in time?

Answer: There is no time in spirituality. There is spiral movement in a precise direction. You move not along a timeline, but in spiritual states.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

Related Material:
The Spiritual Gene, Part 1
How The Informational Gene (Reshimo) Works
A Trip Into The Past

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