Developing Strength And Protection Against Miscarriage

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe drawing force and the delaying force must operate on the spiritual embryo together. With regard to the drawing force, I must check to what extent I can keep in contact with everyone and in what way. I must add the delaying force to any form that is against my ego, against my will, so as not to let it fall, to be aborted, or to let an accident in birth to occur. Unfortunately, this happens often to everyone and it leaves little hope that we will ever grow.

We must support one another by the drawing force and especially by the delaying force; as it is said, “Every man shall help his friend,” to keep the friends focused on the greatness of the goal, the greatness of the attribute of bestowal which we attain above reason. Even if this form is unpleasant for our egoistic nature, if I value the greatness of the goal, the greatness of the Creator, and I suffer in my desire to receive, I enjoy my closeness to the Creator more. If I see that the Creator is great, I can value His benefit over my own benefit. Thus, I gradually attribute myself to Him, to the upper force, until I begin to identify the movements and the actions that I do with Him, according to Him, and begin to feel the upper more and more during these months of pregnancy as I develop as an embryo.

During the first forty days of the creation of the embryo up to the level of Bina, we don’t really feel it. However, later, when the level of Bina begins to operate, the embryo already takes on a human form and studies the upper from its vessels and feelings.

The strongest and closest connection between the upper and the lower is actually during conception. Then, a person is inside the Creator, and later it is as if he draws further away. Although it seems that way externally, in fact, it is a deeper penetration into the upper, until he reaches full adhesion.

We should understand that we can be an embryo only if we are inside the upper. Imagine what it means when all our senses, all our desires, all our thoughts, everything, is dissolved in Him. We must examine the delaying force and the drawing force with regard to this feeling of totally dissolving in the Creator. First, there is the drawing force, which means to what extent I can penetrate deeper into the Creator and adhere to Him with all my senses.

Although these feelings are unpleasant, since I must adhere to bestowal, which means to something that is external to the interests of my ego, the delaying force guards me. This is the prayer I should be in all the time, in a request for correction, for the Light that Reforms.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/14/14

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