There Is Nothing Worse Than Regretting The Past

Dr. Michael LaitmanShame and love are the main driving forces of our development; they are opposite to each other and equal in power, like minus and plus infinity.

But if you are ashamed of yourself and regret the past, then it is an impure activity, Klipa, because it means that you do not agree with the fact that there is none else besides the Creator.

There is none else besides the Creator not only means that the end result depends on Him, but that He planned everything that you would do from the beginning, how you would pass all these states, and later regret them. And now you are sorry about what happened instead of regretting that you think that you did all this and not the Creator. That is, you are not in adhesion.

If you want to correct something in the past, then you are not in adhesion with the Creator; you do not accept that He alone rules in the world. You only need to be grateful for the bad as well as the good. And if you manage this at least for a moment, then the next moment you will be even more sorry about the past.

We must finally scrutinize this property, and until we complete this scrutiny, we will not move to the next degree. A person constantly beats himself up, but all this is the consequence of the failure to understand that the plan, the action, and the results of the action, everything, comes from one source, and you should agree with the work of the Creator. You should feel the impressions of what He does to you so that in all these experiences you will remain adhered to Him above the sensations in your egoistic desire.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/11/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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One Comment

  1. Rabbi, thank you for your wise and compassionate post – your timing could not have been more perfect. 🙂

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