The Task Of Humanity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: All the predictions that you gave in the past few years unfortunately have come true. Sadly, they were not very joyful. Do you still see the next stages in the same dark colors?

Answer: No, I’m always an optimist. I would not want to see the world in the way in which I see it today, although regrettably it’s what I had predicted. The point is not to guess and to gloat, but to try to somehow change to where we are heading to.

We are approaching the next stage of human development when it will develop internally, morally. Humanity needs to change itself and become similar to nature that surrounds us, to fit in its global scheme, meaning that everyone completely depends upon each other as well as on nature in general: The still, vegetative, animate, and upper levels, are those forces which in reality control the entire system of the universe. We need to reveal this system, to adapt to it, to fit into it. This is the task of humanity.

Many scientists in the past wrote about it and current scientists still write about it. This system has been popular for hundreds of years. In particular, in Russia, academician Vladimir Vernadsky and his followers wrote about it. Today, there are many people in the world who understand it.

But the problem is that humanity has to begin to realize this task. And the main thing about which I am concerned is the transition period from our state, from this paradigm to the next one. Here, humankind is facing great challenges.
From KabTV’s program “The Global Crisis” 3/19/13

Related Material:
The Next Phase Of Human Development
Difficulties Of The Transitional Period
Facing A Choice

One Comment

  1. What does one do when the family one is born into are very strong egoists and have no desire to connect or are unable to understand that everything is interconnected. One can not abandon their family. How does one correct oneself at this level to perceive it differently? Since there is none else beside him and and one can only judge what he sees. It would be easy to change environment, but this would feel like abandoning those who are suffering, and we are all born from a certain root for a specific reason.

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