Should One Air One’s Dirty Linen In Public?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Talking to some women, I asked why they don’t communicate with each other, why do they lock themselves within four walls? It turned out that it’s not customary to take out existing problems to be up for discussion….

Answer: That’s correct. But the moment we begin to see them as the regular everyday problems that everyone has, the moment we treat them as a means of ascent, as problems given to us from Above to be solved together, no more personal “I” is left in a person. None left at all!

An “I” is a mechanism, which, by joining together with others into one integral whole, looks at its personal problems as problems that are same for everyone and has solve his own, yours, his problems, etc. with the help of everyone else.

It’s not that there’s nothing to hide, but a person has nothing left at all. Where is he then? “He” is what we build together. It’s the place of amalgamation of all of those personal, family, and joint egoisms; it’s the place where our own longing upwards towards the ascent amalgamates.

If people are attuned correctly, they will realize that there’s nothing to be ashamed about, there’s nothing to hide, mutual help must exist. If you don’t want to reveal anything, there’s no need to, but you have very strong support and thanks to that, everything is being solved.

I think that we are now going through that stage. And on the next level, women will seriously get involved into the group system and that will help them.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 5/31/12

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