Not A Minute Without Uniting!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How long should a workshop last, because a moment comes when there is no more strength.

Answer: At the last workshop, I felt that the central group warmed up and approached a general movement of beginning to work on unity only after 50 minutes. This is the lack of preparation and hope that I will create something.

I cannot create anything. I only suggest a topic, nudge, and tune everyone like a musical instrument, but you have to play it yourself. However, you cannot set up quickly and start playing.

To do this, it’s necessary to disconnect from oneself, come together, imagine everyone compressed into one tight space, and then walk a bit away, fill the vacant space with love so as to remain completely united, and start the discussion through this unity.

Here, there was no unity, no preparation for the workshop before the beginning of the discussion, although we talked about that not too long ago. However, everyone left for the break, and the break erased everything. In general, the community was not ready!

People should go to the workshop as to a special event. They should understand how to prepare for it and how to be included in it. They have to worry about every minute, if it should pass without unity through which they discuss and begin to feel what they talk about.
From the Virtual Lesson 5/27/12, “Fundamentals of Kabbalah”

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For The Sake Of Entering The World
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Adjusting Focus

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe attitude towards the friend, the group or towards all of humanity, which we currently perceive as existing outside ourselves, is actually the same thing. Such a perception of reality isn’t acquired immediately; we must constantly connect “Israel (one who yearns for Yashar –El, straight to the Creator), the Torah, and the Creator” to one whole.

A person should constantly work in order to form the real picture inside him. It is gradually stabilized, in all its parts, in all the connections between the different parts, until it is revealed to a person.

It is like seeing a blurred picture on a screen when you cannot distinguish anything and thus you feel confused. In the same way, we see the world through our internal photographic machine, which is totally out of focus. But gradually this picture is focused and becomes clearer according to how close I can bring my internal attributes to the attributes of the Light.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/01/12, Writings of Rabash

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Different Goals, Same Direction

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”: This wisdom is no more and no less than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and consequence, by fixed, determined rules, interweaving to a single, exalted goal described as “the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.

All the other things that we would like to attain by using the wisdom of Kabbalah have nothing to do with it. It is like using a physics book with the hope that we may learn medicine from it or going to chemistry lessons in order to learn political science. Here, too, it is the same thing: The wisdom of Kabbalah is only meant to help us reach the revelation of the Creator, period. If you want that, this wisdom will serve as a means for you; if you have no such need, do what ever you like.

Before the desire to reveal the Creator was evoked in people in the course of our evolution, the wisdom of Kabbalah wasn’t revealed so as not to confuse people. Today, when this desire is expressed generally and demands an answer, Kabbalists say that it is time for the wisdom of Kabbalah to be revealed to the world as a means, as a solution.

If you are looking for miracles, or for recipes of how to succeed in life, or how to make the world a better place, or for some secrets, holy water, red strings, or different promises, the wisdom of Kabbalah will be of no help to you in any way. It is a waste of time and you’d be better off going to a fortuneteller or a psychologist. The real wisdom of Kabbalah, and not the mysticism that is sold under this label, is only the revelation of the Creator to the created being and nothing more than that.

Baal HaSulam puts it very simply: If you have the right desire for it, go ahead. Then you have to ask Kabbalists: “How should I use the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to reveal the Creator?” They will tell you that there is the condition of “Love thy friend as thyself.” You should organize a group and in it fulfill this condition by studying and the mutual work against our ego in order to rise above it and to reach the goal.

But first I must clarify whether the goal of my life is adapted to the goal of the wisdom of Kabbalah. This should be clearly explained to people, leaving no room for confusion. Of course, everyone checks himself openly for everyone’s sake, but if the desire a person has isn’t ripe yet, if he isn’t ready for the revelation of the Creator yet, he mustn’t be drawn inside forcefully.

Our approach should be tough and clear cut: We treat everyone with respect and consider those who have a desire aimed at the Creator as members, friends. If you don’t have such a desire, Kabbalah isn’t for you—enjoy this world.

Today it is a new era: On the background of the global crisis and helplessness, the whole world is becoming aware of the fact that we have to discover the upper world, the Creator, because otherwise we will not survive and will not be able to exist. This is already a different situation in which we gradually have to tell everyone about the method to some extent. So, we begin to teach people about the principles of mutual guarantee, showing them that it is possible to transcend the troubles of the current crisis and to rise to a life of prosperity through unity and the love of others.

We don’t mention the revelation of the Creator to the general public, but rather present the good life in the world as the goal. By that we are already following the same path: On our part, it is the principle of the unity of Israel, the Torah, and the Creator, and for all the others accompany us, they want to fix their corporeal life. Eventually, thanks to the mutual support, we will all connect with the upper force and reveal it, so today we are taking a course with all of humanity.

The problem is that the masses only see the survival from the crisis and the material prosperity, while we see before us the revelation of the Creator. The goal is different, but the direction is the same.

So the wisdom of Kabbalah is revealed to one percent of humanity, and the method of mutual guarantee is meant for the other 99 %. Mutual guarantee is the same wisdom of Kabbalah but without the details and the forces that operate on us. As Kabbalists tell us, people who are not ripe for that should receive what is right for them.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/01/12, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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Mutual Guarantee: Not Rosy Dreams But Real Life
One Light, Many Types Of Attire
Pouring The Light Onto The World

One Light, Many Types Of Attire

Dr. Michael LaitmanOne percent of humanity that wants to discover the Creator is obliged to form the connection between Him and all the rest. This is why we were given this desire. In fact, the goal of creation is concealed in the 99% of humanity, while the one percent is evoked in order to act according to the Creator’s direct will. Thus, our only role is to serve the 99%.

Question: Their goal is to have a good life in the corporeal world by using the method of mutual guarantee and connection, while our goal is the Creator. How do these two things go along? How will these two goals, the corporeal and the spiritual, finally connect?

Answer: For you it’s a spiritual goal because you have to draw the Light and discover the Creator so that you’ll have something to pass on to others. Moreover, you’re already passing on the Light in the attire that’s right for them.

We receive the upper Light in the attire of our Returning Light, while the masses receive from us the powers, the guidance, and the solutions in the form of the method of mutual guarantee and connection. Although their goal is corporeal, the Light that operates internally passes on to them through us and then they feel the changes in their mind and feelings.

Under the influence of the Light, we feel that something has changed internally while they don’t feel it as much although they are also changing with time. Now people are also looking for advancement that stems from some inner force. It will change them, and then they will suddenly begin to see the world differently and to judge what’s happening and themselves differently: This is the result of the influence of the Light that Reforms.

It’s the Light and not us that does it internally while we only have to create the connection between the Creator and everyone else. This infusion should go through all of creation following the string of Ein Sof (Infinity) that passes from Ein Sof to the smallest, lowest level. Eventually, if the knowledge of unity comes from us, it will necessarily come to life, and things will begin to improve.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/01/12, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

Related Material:
Different Goals, Same Direction
Mutual Guarantee: Not Rosy Dreams But Real Life
Ninety-Nine Plus One

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 06.04.12

Preparation to the Lesson

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Writings of Rabash,What Is the Foundation on which Kedusha (Holiness) Is Built” (To: “We understand the construction of Kedusha“)

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The Book of ZoharSelected Excerpts “Beresheet Bet (Genesis 2),” “Seven Palaces in the Garden of Eden,” Item 1, Lesson 112

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Talmud Eser Sefirot, Chapter 2, Part 2, Item 5, (Ohr Pnimi, Item 1), Lesson 5

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The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)” Item 19, Lesson 4

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