There Is No Advancement Without Obstacles

Dr. Michael LaitmanUntil the “Exodus from Egypt,” we go through many different periods, adventures, and states that are quite dramatic where we stand before the egoistic force trying to do something with it. On the whole, we don’t need to fight it; we should only aim ourselves at the right connection among us. Then this force will help us.

It is constantly evoked, creating interruptions and problems, which you should solve by mutual cooperation with others. You solve them by rising above them; you are building love above hate.

It is impossible to reach anything without obstacles. They are what help us unite, just as other obstacles and minor problems give a taste to love. Otherwise it would be one continuous feeling, which would be tasteless and totally not understood.

We should prepare ourselves for these states, so that each time, when we are repelled by the unity among us, we will immediately respond to it correctly.

If a person is depressed, feels dissatisfied, disappointed, powerless, he should understand that he must forcefully “bring” himself into the group and then his eyes will immediately open up. And he will feel life and different emotions.
From KabTV’s “Foundations of the Integral Society” 4/1/12

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