Guarantors For Each Other

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If they expel a person from the convention for whom I signed the guarantee, does that mean that they expel me together with him?

Answer: Of course.

I will say only one thing: If we all try, no one will breach the bylaws of the convention. If the force of the group dwells among us, if we really unite with each other, no one will be able to remain on the side. After all, we create the spiritual force that attracts a person like a magnet, and he is not able to think contrary to it.

We are all guarantors for each other, and we generate this general force. A serious approach is required here: silence, not one unnecessary word spoken. And this will maintain us in unity.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/2012, Constitution of the Arava Convention

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