The Advice Of Obama’s Science Advisor

In the News (from Prison Planet): “President Obama’s top science and technology advisor John P. Holdren co-authored a 1977 book in which he advocated the formation of a ‘planetary regime’ that would use a ‘global police force’ to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children.

“The concepts outlined in Holdren’s 1977 book Ecoscience, which he co-authored with close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich, were so shocking that a February 2009 Front Page Magazine story 0n the subject was largely dismissed as being outlandish because people couldn’t bring themselves to believe that it could be true.

“It was only when another Internet blog obtained the book and posted screenshots that the awful truth about what Holdren had actually committed to paper actually began to sink in.

“Ecoscience discusses a number of ways in which the global population could be reduced to combat what the authors see as mankind’s greatest threat – overpopulation. In each case, the proposals are couched in sober academic rhetoric, but the horrifying foundation of what Holdren and his co-authors are advocating is clear. These proposals include:

“- Forcibly and unknowingly sterilizing the entire population by adding infertility drugs to the nation’s water and food supply.

“- Legalizing ‘compulsory abortions,’ ie forced abortions carried out against the will of the pregnant women, as is common place in Communist China where women who have already had one child and refuse to abort the second are kidnapped off the street by the authorities before a procedure is carried out to forcibly abort the baby.

“- Babies who are born out of wedlock or to teenage mothers to be forcibly taken away from their mother by the government and put up for adoption. Another proposed measure would force single mothers to demonstrate to the government that they can care for the child, effectively introducing licensing to have children.

“- Implementing a system of “involuntary birth control,” where both men and women would be mandated to have an infertility device implanted into their body at puberty and only have it removed temporarily if they received permission from the government to have a baby.

“- Permanently sterilizing people who the authorities deem have already had too many children or who have contributed to general social deterioration.’

“- Formally passing a law that criminalizes having more than two children, similar to the one child policy in Communist China.

“- This would all be overseen by a transnational and centralized ‘planetary regime’ that would utilize a ‘global police force’ to enforce the measures outlined above. The ‘planetary regime’ would also have the power to determine population levels for every country in the world.”

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Correction By The Integral Force Of Nature
The Planet On The Edge

There Is Food, But No Desire To Share It

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from “…thirty percent of all food produced in the world each year is wasted or lost. That’s about 1.3 billion tons, according to a new report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.

“The developed world wastes 10 times more food than the developing one.

“Basically, the waste of the rich could feed much of the African continent.”

My Comment: Until we correct our attitude towards others, nothing will force us to be frugal with food items with the purpose of feeding others. It is necessary to change our nature, namely: 1. To establish a system of integral upbringing and education; 2. To create an environment that would make us aware of our universal connection and dependence. These efforts will evoke the influence of inner forces of nature (Ohr Makif) and change our nature.

Related Material:
The Era Of Global Education
What The Global Education System Should Teach People
Making The Principles Of Global Education Clear To Everybody

We Are Facing The G20 Again

Dr. Michael Laitman1. The development of computer technologies and automation in developed countries have freed thousands from the production of essential goods and services.

2. The availability of cheap labor in Asia brought the relocation of industry to Asia.

3. In order to avoid unemployment, western governments began to create artificial jobs in public service and to increase consumption, which led to the growth of the national debt.

4. Still unemployment grows because it is impossible to create limitless artificial jobs as the national debt cannot grow endlessly.

5. But the new unemployed citizens demand a solution for unemployment blaming the government and the corporations.

6. The investors don’t invest in industry in such unstable conditions, which causes further growth of unemployment.

7. Because the economy has become global, unemployment is also becoming a global problem.

8. Under such circumstances, it is time to reexamine our attitude to the question of how occupied a person should be and to determine what society would look like under the new circumstances.

9. The unemployed should be regarded as students and their studying should be regarded as work beneficial to society.

10. The studies should include the following subjects: the principles of correct child education, the psychology of family relationships, home economics, the structure of society, the evolution of society, globalization and global interdependence, and global ecology and the need to preserve nature.

11. Changing social consciousness of such great masses will bring about a change in attitude among other parts of society and the media, and the world will advance towards greater harmony and balance between its parts and with nature.

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What To Do With The Unemployed?
Crisis And Resolution
The World Expects Shortage Of Work Places

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10.30.11

Writings of Rabash “Purpose of Society”
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The Book of Zohar – Selected Chapter “Pekudei (Accounts),” “Six Degrees of the Sitra Achra,” Item 452, Lesson 19
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Talmud Eser Sefirot Part 8,  “The Eser Sefirot of Olam ha Atzilut,” Item 8, Lesson 5
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Writings of Baal HaSulam The Love for the Creator and Love for the Created Beings,” “Love Thy Friend as Thyself,” Lesson 3
Download: WMV Video|MP3 Audio

Good Environment – 10.29.11

My Good Environment – Dr. Laitman’s Advice for the Week

Love Of Friends Is Our Common Treasure

Dr. Michael LaitmanIt takes a long time to begin to see clearly and discover that if you can collect all the forces contained in the friends and attach them to yourself, this will be your spiritual vessel, the organ of spiritual sensation with which you will feel and understand the essence of life that is above the physical body and exists inside the soul. Then a person will understand the principle of “love thy friend as thyself,” directed exclusively at this higher goal. He will realize that his friends with their desires and aspirations for spirituality, for reaching the same purpose of creation, in essence, are parts of his own soul.

Everyone feels that his friend’s aspirations towards the spiritual goal are the organs of his spiritual body. That is why he understands that love of friends is a connection to their spiritual aspirations, from which each of us forms the vessels of his soul.

When everyone attains “love of friends,” collects everyone’s desire to achieve the goal, he reveals his own soul; we unite all these souls together. Thus, a mutual faithful relationship emerges that gives everyone what the other, the second, and the third has. After all, everyone is included in all the rest!

There is a difference between the original point from which I started, the root of my soul, and the rest of the desire received from the friends. But both the former and the latter are forces of my soul. The same applies to other friends: Everyone has the same forces. The only difference is that everyone relates to the rest from the position of his root, his starting point.

It turns out that we have a common vessel (desire), one network connecting us, with which we achieve the desired goal: love of friends that connects everyone together. Thereby, we reveal mutual connections, an aspiration called mutual bestowal, and the general force called the Creator. This is the essence of our life and the purpose of creation.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/27/2011, Writings of Rabash

Related Material:
An Elevator To The Spiritual World
Kabbalists On Love Of Others And Love Of The Creator/Part 5
Love Is Not Leniency

A Training Fall

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What kind of contract do we form that allows us to continue when our desire disappears?

Answer: A contract formed for the sake of the future is like an athlete training for a future competitive performance. I am training now because I want to attain great results later.

These are artificial exercises in the same way as when I lift a bar-bell, jump to get stronger, and then perform what I am now training for. I do exercises that imitate the future state so that I can better withstand it when it comes.

This is done in the army and anywhere else where the purpose is to educate a person and prepare him or her for special actions. The real-life situation is imitated with the use of imagination. The person knows that he is participating in training maneuvers that are directly related to reality and are close to the situations he will encounter in real combat.

In forming a contract, we are working for the future. The only difference is that in our contract, we want to connect with the upper force that we feel close to now. This is why we do exercises that teach us to not detach from it even in states of separation that will come at some later time.

There is no past, present, or future. I do not attract anything from the past; everything exists in me now, in the present. However, today, when I prepare myself for a state of descent, I receive an opportunity to better withstand it.

After all, I have already built the model of this state and did the exercises ahead of time to prepare for what will happen if the Light that Reforms does not come to me, and the strength that supports me will not be there. Otherwise, how could I demand it and act as it was with me.

I form this contract with my friends and the Creator, the force that gives me life and supports me, the force of spiritual life. Right now, this force holds me and gives me the opportunity to listen and learn, but a day could come when I could not come to the lesson, participate in it, advance, or ask questions. Then, I will want the force, which now is close to me and inspires me to study, to stay with me and help me once again.

I train for the future in the exact same way as any sportsman or person who thinks about tomorrow and prepares himself for future action. This is not a written contract, but you can replay this situation within you as if you were going somewhere with somebody else. Come to certain arrangements with another person and do certain things. For this reason, you plan ahead of time how you will be going, what you will say, and how you present yourself. You place yourself in a similar situation ahead of time.

However, what is special about a spiritual contract is that you form it when you are full of strength and plan for a future state of complete hopelessness, trying to become accustomed to it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/26/2011, Writings of Rabash

Related Material:
The Covenant Of Peace
How Can We Check Whether Our Request Is Correct?
The House Where The Creator And Creature Dwell

A Game That Requires The Whole Of Mind And Heart

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If I know that I am searching for eternal happiness contained in bestowal, but I am not yet feeling it, what should my artificial appeal be like?

Answer: We need to talk more about the qualities we don’t yet possess but are playing with like children. Except that a child perceives his game to be the most serious and real thing, and he grows due to this fact. While when I am playing, I know that this is not serious and not real. Herein lies the whole problem.

If I were able to invest more of the heart and mind into this game, I would be receiving more benefit from it. Although however it may be, the game works nevertheless. The Light is influencing me and I am changing.

Most importantly, one needs to continue. As it is written: “Let anything happen, whatever may come, only do not leave,” and then you will come to it. The Light will keep influencing you ever stronger each time. And even though it may require years, in the end you begin to notice changes inside of you, to value the quality of bestowal, and to move forward with it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/26/2011, Writings of Rabash

Related Material:
Playing For The New Truth
Grow Playfully
True Lie

We Have No Other Mission

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why is so much time and effort spent on these questions regarding corporeal life, that is, economic and world crises? As a beginner to the study of Kabbalah, this seems like a contradiction to what we are being told in the beginner classes regarding the “spiritual” and “corporeal” life. Can you provide some clarification, please?

Answer: The single purpose of our existence in this world of imaginary reality felt in the property “to receive” is to discover a true reality felt in the property of love and bestowal. To achieve this we are brought to the teacher and the group so that we, in the effort to unite with them into a single whole, would attract upon ourselves the influence of the upper Light and would reveal the world of bestowal.

Today, in addition to the group, the entire world is being revealed as another group. It discovers the harmful egoism within and gradually realizes that egoism is so evil that it wishes to get itself rid of it. Our task is to tell that it’s possible, to explain how it can be done—not by studying Kabbalah, but our world as a global, integral, and closed system, which is becoming a single whole more and more, as well as to instruct them on how we can build a society of mutual guarantee that would correspond to it.

If we assist them, we grow because we do not have any other mission. Baal HaSulam writes about it in the articles “The Giving of the Torah,” “Mutual Guarantee,” and others.

Related Material:
What We Do Today Will Echo In The World Tomorrow
Let Us Connect To The World
A Loaded Message

World Hunger Help Is Failing

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Euronews): “Painfully hungry every day – the latest World Disasters Report takes a hard look at why nearly a billion people live like this, when there is enough food being produced to feed everyone.

“The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) says further that more people are going hungry in cities and in high-income countries.

“The Disasters Report says the first of the UN Millennium Development Goals probably will not be achieved by 2015: that is halving the proportion of people suffering from extreme hunger and poverty.

“The underfed now number some 925 million worldwide, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation. Three million under-fives die from not getting enough to eat every year.

“Undernutrition stunts the growth of an estimated 178 million children under the age of five. The handicap begins from conception — while the infant is still inside the mother — when she is not adequately fed. And of all the world’s undernourished people, six out of ten are female.

“The causes of food crises, the IFRC report says, include speculation and global market fluctuation affecting prices.”

My Comment: The reason is a lack of mutual guarantee and responsibility, a lack of community feeling of everyone on Earth, that is, our egoism, or rather the fact that without fighting it and in spite of it, we do not build a connection between us—the screen that would connect us and in which we would discover the property of bestowal, the property of Nature. Achieving this property would give us strength and ability to establish a fair connection and distribution, and everyone would have everything in abundance.

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Hunger Riots
Food Riots: Approaching The Edge
Billionaires Fear Starvation