Making Peace In The Upper World Brings Peace To All

Laitman_2009-08_2939 It is impossible to enter into a new reality with the old egoistic approach. All kinds of “green” movements call upon us to love nature and take care of it because the whole planet is our house. However, we are unable to relate to it like that. Man cannot conceive that the entire world belongs to him and that all humankind is within him.

Man needs to reveal the Creator and receive strength from Him in order to build a new system of relationships with the surrounding world above his own egoism. In other words, today hatred divides us, but by transcending above this hatred, we reveal this new system of relationships, a system of love.

This can be done only by the Creator, whom we attract so He will establish this connection between us. The One who makes peace in the Upper World will make peace within us!

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