When In Doubt – Go To Your Common Goal

Psychiatry and KabbalahQuestions I received about marriage:

Question: If Eve’s condemnation following the sin is that man will rule over her, what can we do in this world to adjust to this condemnation without conflict or suffering?

My Answer: There is no submission. Instead, there is the proper realization of common natural qualities. This is why you have to study Kabbalah, realize it together and aspire together to reach the third one – the Creator.

Question: What if a man does not know if he wants to stay married, and a lot of issues from the past come up?  What if the woman does not want to divorce and neither of them are in a religion?

My Answer: Go to your common goal which is the Creator, instead of both of you retreating into your shell.  Only then will everything turn out all right.

Question: I partially understand that marriage is part of a man’s correction. However, I have very few corporeal merits that would make me remotely appealing to the opposite gender. I am poor, bad with money management, own no house, have no car, and am only concerned with one thing, which is Kabbalah. Should I divert time from my studies and work in the group to make myself more corporeally fit for marriage? Do I really even need to be married?

My Answer: Continue doing what your heart aspires to, since this is the reason man was brought into this world. All the rest will follow and the group will help you find your match.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Love, Family And The Purpose Of Creation
Laitman.com Post: Why Does A Man Need A Woman In Kabbalah?
Laitman.com Post: Man, Woman and Divinity Between Them
Article: “Today, It’s Spiritual Relationship or No Relationship”
Kabbalah Today Article: Man, Woman, and the Snake Between Them

One Comment

  1. I’ve noticed that on your dating site, despite making it very obvious that it’s only for heterosexual pairings, you allow users to state if they’re looking for homosexual pairings. Why is this? Could you for once be just a little bit less secretive?

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