Lighten Up The Darkness

What to Ask for At the Grave of a KabbalistA question I received: What should a person feel if he is advancing correctly?

My Answer: He should see that he is constantly gaining a deeper understanding of the material, and that the Kabbalistic texts he is reading are talking about qualities that he actually discerns within.

Even if he still hasn’t revealed the spiritual world yet, he already has a sensitive system within, wherein he feels a response to what he reads in the book. It’s as if his inner realm of meanings and sensations expands. This happens because while we’re in the state of concealment, the Surrounding Light influences us, exposing our vices. We then see that all our desires are for ourselves, the only ones we love!

A person then discovers an inner space where he senses various phenomena and reactions in response to Kabbalistic texts. And even though this space is still one of concealment, it is such that the person actually senses the concealment! The stages of concealment should be sensed as degrees.

I walk along a path and can’t see anything to my right or to my left, or even a step ahead. There’s a lot I don’t know, and I don’t even understand how to take the next step. Will I be able to take a step forward or will I fall?

Yet, I feel that there is a space inside me where I reveal different qualities and reactions. So, even though I am in the darkness, it isn’t so pitch black that I cannot discern anything. In fact, I receive various impressions from it – sometimes more and sometimes less.

The Light that shines upon me determines whether the darkness – my opposition to bestowal – seems stronger or weaker to me. So, one must find this place within himself and understand the true meaning of “crime” and “sin.” They pertain only to one’s attitude to others. This becomes that dark place wherein I recognize the darkness.

The darkness is one’s lack of connection with others. It is like an electric circuit where the links between the elements are broken, and therefore, the current cannot flow. If we will truly desire to connect, we will turn on the Light!

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