The Purpose of Life In This World Is To Attain The Upper Goal

upperTwo questions I received on the role of this world in the soul’s correction:

Question: I read that when a person dies who hasn’t developed the sixth sense (a soul), which enables him to perceive the Upper World, he returns for another incarnation. Then why do we mourn someone who dies? From the moment I began thinking this way, I don’t see any point in life. Things happen all around me but I feel that they’re not important to me.

My Answer: This is wonderful, because it means that you nearing the recognition that the entire meaning of life lies only in attaining the Upper Goal – the Creator, and that there is no other meaning to life on the earthy level! The higher meaning to the earthy life is to attain the Creator while living in this world!

Question: Is it possible to correct the soul in between two reincarnations, when the soul is not in the body?

My Answer: No. Correction can only occur while you are in this world.

Related Material: Post: The Soul Is the Part of One’s Desire That’s Similar to the Creator Post: Freedom from the Angel of Death
Kabbalah Today Article: Reincarnation
Chapter from The Open Book : “The Purpose of Reincarnation According to the Zohar”

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