Audio Newspaper “Kabbalah Today”

Audio Newspaper \"Kabbalah Today\"A question I received: I suggest that you record an audio version of the newspaper Kabbalah Today and disseminate it. From my experience, I know that there are many people who enjoy listening to your lessons and talks – including most of my coworkers. I’m sure that if you do the same thing with the newspaper, it will be a great success!

My Answer: We have already recorded several audio versions of the newspaper Kabbalah Today – see the links below.

Related Material:
Kabbalah Today Article: “Who Are You, People of Israel?”
Kabbalah Today Article: “A ‘Properly Working’ Nature”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Between Creator and Creature”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Mission Possible (And Mandatory)”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Spiritual Education”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Creation, Evolution and Beyond”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (The Rabash) (1907-1991)”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Baal HaSulam On the Perception of Reality”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Contradictory Phenomena”
Kabbalah Today Article: “What Is (and is not) Kabbalah?”

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