Audio Newspaper “Kabbalah Today”

Audio Newspaper \"Kabbalah Today\"A question I received: I suggest that you record an audio version of the newspaper Kabbalah Today and disseminate it. From my experience, I know that there are many people who enjoy listening to your lessons and talks – including most of my coworkers. I’m sure that if you do the same thing with the newspaper, it will be a great success!

My Answer: We have already recorded several audio versions of the newspaper Kabbalah Today – see the links below.

Related Material:
Kabbalah Today Article: “Who Are You, People of Israel?”
Kabbalah Today Article: “A ‘Properly Working’ Nature”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Between Creator and Creature”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Mission Possible (And Mandatory)”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Spiritual Education”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Creation, Evolution and Beyond”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (The Rabash) (1907-1991)”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Baal HaSulam On the Perception of Reality”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Contradictory Phenomena”
Kabbalah Today Article: “What Is (and is not) Kabbalah?”

Is the Antagonism Between Israel’s Secular and Orthodox Jews a Form of Anti-Semitism?

Is the Antagonism Between Israel\'s Secular and Orthodox Jews a Form of Anti-Semitism?A question I received: You once explained that anti-Semitism comes from the subconscious feeling that the nations of the world have towards Israel, since Israel isn’t fulfilling its function and is hence preventing the world from being happy. Is this similar to the way many secular people from the nation of Israel hate the Orthodox, since they don’t do what they are meant to do?

My Answer: The secular Jews of Israel hate the Orthodox because:

  • The Orthodox Jews evade army service, while everyone else is required to serve;
  • Religion intervenes in politics in order to gain government resources and privileges;
  • The Orthodox blatantly express their proud and arrogant attitude toward the secular Jews, because they feel like they are doing God’s will and are special, and hence everyone should be grateful to them for their lifestyle.

This phenomenon is typical only in Israel, where it emerged as a result of the religious, political and social pressure. It is certainly inflicting great harm to the religion, although the religion itself bears no relation to this phenomenon. Never in our history did the masses experience a religious dictate, because we never held national authority but were governed by other nations.

In countries where religion is entirely separate from the government, there is no possibility for religion to be imposed on its citizens as it is in Israel. Hence, in those countries, the relationship between the secular and religious Jews is amiable, or at least not hostile.

Based on the above, we can see that this phenomenon differs from anti-Semitism at the root.

Related Material: Post: Nationality Results from the Soul’s Properties Post: Zionism’s Bankruptcy
Baal HaSulam Article: The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose

How Can Singularity Transform Without Being Changed?

How Can Singularity Be Transformed Without Changing?Two questions I received on the 613 desires and the transformation of singularity:

Question: Dear Rav Michael Laitman, the teachings talk about 613 desires, but they all came from one original desire by the Creator. When we distanced ourselves from the Creator, then the one desire fragmented into 613, of which 612 are unreal and only one is real. Right?

My Answer: Yes.

Question: How can singularity transform without being changed?

My Answer: Everything stays the same, besides the intention “for oneself” in all of one’s thoughts, desires, and actions. The intention changes to its opposite – “for others.” This is how one becomes similar to the Creator, and when he does, then he also perceives himself this way.

Related Material: Post: Spirituality Lies Beyond Our World (Advanced) Post: What Is Sin in Kabbalah?
Shamati #25: Things That Come from the Heart

What Makes Kabbalah Different from the Football Madness?

What Makes Kabbalah Different from the Football Madness?A question I received: Right now we’re witnessing this “football madness” all around the world. It seems like people are ‘warming up’ their intention, their thoughts and desires for this sport even on the days and times when there are no games scheduled. The TV is virtually bombing us with this “intention” – people are wearing their favorite team colors, everyone’s talking about it, and it’s slowly becoming ‘the only real thing in existence,’ even for those who are not fans. Masses of people are living through the same emotions.

What is the difference between this phenomena and what we are trying to do in our lessons and dissemination? What really makes our intention and our goal more important than theirs, when we’re still in our preparation period and cannot really tell the difference?

My Answer: The goal and the result.

Related Material: Post: Strive for the Goal, and Leave the Rest Up to the Creator Post: By Developing One’s Desires, Kabbalah Also Develops One’s Mind
Talk: Perception of Reality
Kabbalah Blog Post: Archive for Humanity

The Collected Works of Rabash, New Edition

We have just published a new edition of the collected works of Rabash (in Hebrew). The three volume set of books includes materials that have never before been published. The books can be purchased here.

New Edition of the Collected Works of Rabash

This three volume set of books contains all the materials of Rabash. In addition, we are currently preparing the collected works of Baal HaSulam for publication as well.

We only study the works of Baal HaSulam and Rabash. This is why I recommend for everyone to have these books.

The Golem of Prague – Truth or Fiction?

The Golem of Prague - Truth or Fiction?Question: I’d like to ask you about the story of Golem in Prague. Is there any truth to this story? After all, the grave of the Rav who allegedly made the Golem is still there.

My Answer: The great righteous man in Prague certainly existed. As for the Golem – the humanoid that he allegedly created – that’s a fairy tale. There are no miracles in the world! However, people want to believe in miracles, and this is why fairy tales endure for such a long time.

Related Material: Post: There Are No Miracles

Stop Daydreaming!

Stop Daydreaming!Two questions I received on how to make dreams come true, and the spiritual meaning of teeth and hair:

Question: Why is it that when you really wish for something, to the point that you daydream about it all day, then it’s bound not to come true? Does this mean that if you really want something, it’s better not to daydream about it?

My Answer: If your dreams coincide with the Creator’s plan, then they will definitely come true. This is why Kabbalah suggests that instead of daydreaming, you should start coinciding.

Question: At one of your lessons you promised to explain why we are born without teeth and hair, and also why we have very little teeth and hair when we grow old.

My Answer: It’s because teeth are a sign of growing up and being able to process food, similar to grindstones that process grain to make flour. Teeth symbolize one’s ability to discern which desires and Lights can be used for spiritual growth.

The Hebrew word for hair is Searot, which comes from the word Soer – one with a burning desire. Hair is a sign of additional desires, which disappear in old age, and hence a person in our world gets bald when he grows old. This was beautifully described by a great Kabbalist named Ramchal in the book Adir BaMaarom.

Related Material: Post: Are Dreams The Life of the Soul?
Article: Kabblah: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Article: Spirit and Body