The Sabbath

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why does the issue of the Sabbath come up again in Parashat HaShavua (weekly Torah portion), “After the Death,” after the description of the ram that is sent to the desert and the other ram that is offered as sacrifice? After all, it was already mentioned in the exodus from Egypt.

Answer: At first glance the reference to the Sabbath seems redundant and unnecessary. But the point is that all the actions that we perform are only in order to bring us to the state of the end of correction that is called Sabbath. The Sabbath symbolizes the end of all the work when everything is corrected and there is no need to do anything anymore. Thus, the states that are gradually corrected are added to the previously corrected states and are accumulated in a general account, which is eventually expressed in the state of Sabbath.

But after every action, every level also ends in the same state since if I am given 20 kilos of desires in order to correct them to love and bestowal and I reach the end of correction of this part, I enter a temporary state of Sabbath. When I fully correct my soul I reach the final state of the Great Sabbath.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 3/6/14

Related Material:
The Wholeness Of Sabbath
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Spiritual Sabbath

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