World Outlook Through The Prism Of Spiritual Actions

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Once, you gave us the task of translating the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale into spiritual language…

Answer: There is nothing but spiritual forces in the universe. You can take any story you want and translate it into the language of spiritual actions.

Let’s say, in the story about Little Red Riding Hood, her (grand)mother denotes Bina. The wolf represents the ego (Klipa) that wants to take advantage of the grandmother. At the same time, the wolf helps Little Red Riding Hood find the way to her grandmother.

The little girl’s questions: “Why are the wolf’s eyes, ears, and teeth so big?” show a gradual, step-by-step appearance of the evil in us, which is impossible to clarify in advance.

The hunter represents the Surrounding Light that cuts the wolf’s stomach and releases the grandmother safe and unharmed.

You can take any story and convert it into the language of spiritual actions because all of them are just external clothing on the internal processes. Any imaginary story that comes to our mind, no matter how fantastic or improbable, still has a spiritual root that describes this phenomenon.

The exercise of “Little Red Riding Hood” is based on viewing the actions that exist in this world and trying to find their spiritual roots that control the materiality. I want everybody to recognize the spiritual forces that govern everything there is.

Question: On the other hand, you constantly reiterate that everything that happens to us in the present can only be explained after we attain the spiritual roots.

Answer: If we regard this world the way I mentioned earlier, we’ll attain the spiritual roots, trying to see the spiritual forces behind every action that happens to us.

But it is not that important. What really matters is that we should combine the aspiration to reveal the spiritual forces with our efforts to connect with each other. When we start sensing that we are getting closer to our friends, that we replenish each other, connect in our intentions and thoughts, and unite in mutual support, we’ll begin controlling our feelings and relationships. Accordingly, we’ll regard the actions that take place in this world at our level as mechanical.

In fact, this is what we call the revelation of the Creator, when we govern Him, as it is said: “My sons have defeated me.”

Question: Do you think that if we regarded this world as a place that is ruled by spiritual forces we’d penetrate deeper into these issues?

Answer: Once, we were returning from a walk with my teacher Rabash, and were close to his home. There was a garbage can with a lid that opened by pressing on a foot-pedal. A horse approached the can and pressed the pedal, the can opened and the horse started eating discarded food.

When I saw this picture, I froze, but my teacher said: “Do you see it? It’s an angel.” Rabash automatically recognized the spiritual forces that rule the protein, animal bodies.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/15/14

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