Rebuilding The Media

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Every entrepreneur aspires to find new customers. Typically this is done through advertising. But a recent poll shows that 80% of businesses have reduced their advertising budgets to zero because advertising doesn’t work. What is the role of the media in this context?

Answer: The main role of all of communications media is to connect people. Where are the media? What work do they do?—the completely wild media works against the general population.

So first of all it is necessary to rebuild the media. Imagine how the general picture of the world would change if the cities would engage the media in the education and upbringing of the population.

And financing this will be businesses because the media will be involved with socially useful work, in the normal work of the population rather than trying to sell everyone things they don’t need and that don’t bring any benefit. The population will straighten out with the help of the media; the atmosphere in the city will begin to be changed; it will be worthwhile to pay for this.

In fact, everything depends on those businessmen who manage the communications media because they provide the work for the media, they pay!

If  businessmen unite, they can dictate their price and “call the tune.” Therefore the media will not be able to operate like before, because they will need to charge a reasonable price for processing the right information, according to its availability and delivery. This is their role. If they don’t succeed in doing this, they will fold.

In a general way, I think this restructuring is already in its infancy.
From Kab TV’s “Through the Time”9/16/13

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