Talmud Eser Sefirot – A Study Only for Attaining Revelation

Talmud Eser SefirotThe more you study TES (ed. abbreviation for Talmud Eser Sefirot), the more you understand what it is talking about. Every several lessons you suddenly understand something new, which changes the way you previously perceived and thought of matter. You’re able to understand things on a different level and project this differently onto everyday reality and the group.

A question I received: What difference does this make, if the only thing one needs is for the Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light) to take him through the Machsom (barrier)? Why does one need his understanding to change? After all, he can’t benefit from these changes, since what he understands comes from the will to receive, which is uncorrected and has no screen.

My Answer: You’re right. Everything that one attains through the mind, without feeling it, everything one attains in one’s uncorrected senses, without the intention to bestow – has no importance when it comes to spiritual attainment. But it’s important before he attains spirituality, because it helps him connect with the material in different states, when his senses aren’t working. And when one’s senses are working, he should try connecting them to the material that he studies. After all, TES speaks about your corrected state, and by studying it, you aspire to attain it with all of your organs, to actually enter it.

Abortion – How Does Kabbalah View It?

Abortion - How Does Kabbalah View It?How does Kabbalah view abortion? Abortion is opposed to natural development, and as such, causes imbalance with nature. It is physically and spiritually harmful, and if we sensed nature, we wouldn’t do it.

Does the Torah Need Commentary?

Does the Torah Need Commentary?A question I received: Is it possible to publish the Torah with an explanation of its inner meaning, the Sulam commentary? Many people I know say: “I only know the Torah of Moses. I don’t know The Book of Zohar, only Moses. I don’t know Rashbi, the Ari, or Baal HaSulam, only Moses, and I read his Torah every day.” The problem is that they read a beautiful tale without the inner meaning. Is it possible to publish the Torah with explanations of its inner meaning beneath the text? Does such a thing exist? It would open the eyes and hearts of many!

My Answer: This won’t open anything up for anyone. About twenty or thirty years ago, people used to ask how Kabbalah explains different excerpts from the Torah. Lured by these commentaries, they came to learn Kabbalah – myself included.

However, today people want to know about themselves, and they don’t care about what’s written in the Torah. One considers one’s own soul as being more important. In the past, people were interested in theoretical problems, but today, they are interested in practical problems, the problems of survival.

Thus, we should speak to people directly, and not confuse them with beautiful phrases. We should succinctly explain causes and their effects, get straight to the point, and tell people how they can change their lives in a way that everyone will understand. I dismiss those who set their terms and say, “I only want to hear it this one way.” Let them receive a few more blows of fate, and then they’ll feel the approaching disaster, the suffering, and will come without setting any terms. A hungry person is ready to eat anything, and doesn’t ask for a menu.