Entries in the 'Inner Work' Category

Love Exists Only Above Egoism

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If I correct myself to the extent that I can love my husband unconditionally, no matter what he is like, would I still see his shortcomings?

Answer: If I ask the force from above to correct me and help me see my spouse without any conditions, then I see him completely corrected. This is called “Love will cover all crimes.”

Similarly, a mother does not see any flaws in her child since to he is the best, smartest, and most attractive.

Question: So I rise above my displeasure of a certain quality of my husband, ask to correct my attitude to love, and then suddenly it seems good to me?

Answer: The only way to come to love is by correcting yourself. I am not trying to overlook my partner’s flaws and deceive myself, but I rise above them, as I want to love him as he is.

But correction needs to start with love of friends. Until we begin to correct the relationships between all of us, we will not be able to correct the relationships within a family. This is why the institution of the family is falling apart and will continue to deteriorate further. It will come to the point where children will be killing their parents, and parents will be devouring their own children in the most literal sense.

Comment: But people are seeking romantic love, not love of friends.

Answer: This is because people are looking for material, egoistic love, which they will never find. Love exists only above egoism, and one should look for it inside oneself.

There is no need to look for an attractive object to love. The moment I realize what true love is, I should look for a partner who also understands how to achieve it.

And in that case, it does not matter whether or not we like each other’s appearance. I would come to a wise person and tell him about my desire to marry, and he would find me a suitable partner with whom we can build a correct family.

Such spouses want to find love that is above them. This is why they are not concerned about their spouse’s face or character, but only their willingness to build a relationship of mutual love that is above all shortcomings. They understand that each one needs to correct oneself, and in that measure, they will come closer and connect.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/30/15

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Time Of Judgment

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why is it thought that Rosh HaShanah is the beginning of passing judgment on yourself?

Answer: Before Rosh HaShanah there is a period in which the person apparently checks his previous states and expresses regret, repents, cries, and then asks for help from above. That is how he apparently softens his heart, transforming it from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. This is tradition, and the main thing is that the person will begin to understand that he must relate to life in a new way.

Question: Meaning that this is talking about good deeds, those he must begin in the New Year, on Rosh HaShanah?

Answer: Good deeds are corrections of the self, because when he corrects himself, he corrects the world. That is how he builds a system of mutual integration and unity in which the Creator is revealed and for which it is necessary to bring all the substance of the still, vegetative, and animate levels to correction and, in particular, the level of the speaking.
From KabTV’s “Holidays. Rosh HaShana” 8/6/12

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“Selichot” The Time Of Repentance
The Joy Of Recovering From The Ego

Special Attributes Of The Third And Fourth Generations

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Numbers,” 14:17 – 14:18: Now, please, let the strength of the Lord be increased, as You spoke, saying, “The Lord is slow to anger and abundantly kind, forgiving iniquity and transgression, Who cleanses [some] and does not cleanse [others], Who visits the iniquities of parents on children, even to the third and fourth generations.”

There are three generations from Keter to Malchut: Hochma, Bina, and  Zeir Anpin. That’s the way it is in every spiritual state. The Creator’s image is formed on the fourth level, Malchut. The third generation is Zeir Anpin, a state of smallness, where the ego is erased and then fully corrected in the fourth generation. This is symbolized by the words: Who visits the iniquities of parents on children, even to the third and fourth generations. It is about the ascent of Malchut through Zeir Anpin to Bina, to Hochma, and then to Keter.

The Torah, “Numbers,” 14:19 – 14:23: Please forgive the iniquity of this nation in accordance with your abounding kindness, as You have borne this people from Egypt until now. And the Lord said, “I have forgiven them in accordance with your word. However, as surely as I live, and as the glory of the Lord fills the earth that all the people who perceived My glory, and the signs that I performed in Egypt and in the desert, yet they have tested me these ten times and not listened to My voice, if they will see the Land that I swore to their fathers, and all who provoked Me will not see it.

There is nothing bad about that. On the contrary, it is about a great mercy that the Creator performs when He kills everyone, which means that He kills all of the egoistic desire.

The reason is that it is only in the altruistic desires that replace the egoistic desires that the people can feel the state called the land of Israel. All this rage is necessary in order to correct egoism to altruism. No egoist can enter the state of the attribute of love and bestowal called the land of Israel. He must first die, which means to be reborn and enter it, either in a state of smallness (the third generation) or in a state of greatness (the fourth generation).

Therefore, when the Torah speaks about punishment, destruction and death, it refers to the egoism, which actually has to be destroyed. Only the attributes of love and bestowal that replace it will feel the state of the land of Israel.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/29/15

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Towards Spirituality, With Help From Above
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After Us Comes The Deluge

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Konstantin Ranks, geologist): “The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced that August 13, 2015 is Earth Overshoot Day. The essence of this day is that on this date humanity has reached the maximal wastage of the resources that the Earth is ready to regenerate by the end of the year. In the remaining days until the end of the year, we will be living entirely on the account of the reserves of the Earth.

“We have found ourselves in a blind alley, the development of the economy is leading to the destruction of the Earth, but humanity has no desire and no ability to relinquish mass consumption.”

My Comment: This is precisely why the method of correction of our nature must be disseminated, since this is the most important and realistic task. Only recognition of the possibility of another, higher way of life, without limits or reception but with bestowal, will elevate us to equivalence with the Creator and stop our insanity. We will move to a new level of development. either by the way of suffering or by the way of understanding and recognition of this need.

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The Torah: Changing Yourself In Order To Reveal The Creator

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Numbers,” 14:13 – 14:16: Moses said to the Lord, “But the Egyptians will hear that You have brought this nation out from its midst with great power. They will say about the inhabitants of this land, who have heard that You, O Lord, are in the midst of this people; that You, the Lord, appear to them eye to eye and that Your cloud rests over them. And You go before them with a pillar of cloud by day and with a pillar of fire by night, and if You kill this nation like one man, the nations who have heard of Your reputation will say as follows: ‘Since the Lord lacked the ability to bring this nation to the Land which He swore to them, He slaughtered them in the desert.'”

Moses seems to say to the Creator: “You could have educated your children properly, if not by incentives, then at least by punishment. What kind of an educator are you if you simply punish your children and kill them?”

Moses is the innermost point in a person’s heart, where he can be in contact with the Creator. When a person ascends to the next level, from the level of Bina to the level of Hochma, for example, he undergoes an internal change. He must say that! It isn’t that Moses suddenly begins to complain: “How dare you behave that way?!” On the whole, religious people fear such thoughts: “Is it possible to think that way about the Creator? God forbid! What will happen to me if I think this way?” On the other hand, here is the opposite situation, since after all, it is nature itself that was created by the Creator that now rebels against Him inside us so that we will actually understand our current situation is opposite from nature.

This means that when a person ascends and gets closer to the Creator, he can not be afraid to disagree with Him and curse Him, even from the depths of his soul. He is glad about such changes because they actually indicate his true, high state.

Therefore, what Moses says indicates that he is about to complete his level on which he led the people in the desert for 40 years. He turns the attribute of receiving into the attribute of bestowal and now attains the last corrections of his ego. This level is like a missile that has fulfilled its function, becomes detached, and burns up in the atmosphere.

Moses’ complaints stem from the state of the end of correction, after he completed his work on the current level. The next level is totally different and on this level there is the fulfillment of receiving with the intention to bestow.

It is impossible to perform the mission that the Creator now gives the people who have just crossed the desert and reached Him. This mission cannot be attained this way because the next phase is to receive with the intention of in order to bestow. In the next phase, called the crossing of the border of the land of Israel, changes in a person from the outside towards the inside take place and totally new vessels appear within him, which is a new method of working on himself and a new perception of the world. This isn’t only the feeling of the world but the beginnings of the realization of how he has to correct the world. Until then he only prepared himself to enter the land of Israel and conquer it, which means in order to defeat all the nations of giants that live there and to attain such a level that the giant fruits that he carried would become light because he can receive with the intention of in order to bestow.

So Moses’ complaints are just because he demands new powers and new knowledge from the Creator. He wants to learn a new correction and receive education on how to enter this land and conquer it. There has to be an extreme upheaval inside a person and he has to turn into a different person.

Question: Does that mean that Moses can complain to the Creator?

Answer: The talk between Moses and the Creator is the complete recognition of what should happen to him now: “I need an inner transformation and You have to do it for me.” If he doesn’t complain to the Creator about this, it means that he is not yet ready for the transition. Therefore, everything Moses says, which may seem like a serious attack on the Creator is actually desirable to Him. This means that a person understands what a serious inner transformation he has to undergo in order to start working with his ego with the intention of in order to bestow. No one can imagine this.

Comment: Instead of not saying the Lord’s name in vain and not being angry at Him etc., everything happens in the exact opposite manner.

Answer: We shouldn’t be afraid of anything. The Creator is the attribute of absolute goodness. He is still and lifeless until you bring Him to life through your feelings. Just as you can be angry at a volcano that destroyed a certain region or fear the sun, the moon, or earthquakes, when you attribute your feelings to still objects, you also relate to the Creator in the same manner, to the attribute of bestowal and absolute love. You cannot bestow in one way or another, but simply change yourself.

When you change yourself, you change your personal reception and so the Creator seems different to you. But you are actually the one who is changing yourself! The whole Torah is based on a prayer, which in Hebrew stems from the root word that means to judge yourself.

A prayer means self-judgment, and asks what I need to change inside myself in order to reveal the Creator as the absolute good. Of course, this where Moses’ job ends, but is a preparation for the next phase.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/29/15

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A New Level: Discovery Of The Characteristics Of The Creator
Towards Spirituality, With Help From Above
The Invigorating Power Of The Light

The Crisis Is Being Revealed

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Gerald Celente, interview):  “The global collapse will lead to the printing of more money, but only gold will become a safe asset in the coming collapse. People will look for safe investments in the form of goods when the system will begin to collapse. We will witness riots in Brazil and Venezuela, instability from Mali to Congo, in Central Africa, the Sudan, Somalia, the Middle East and these people will flood Europe. There is no way of stopping this wave. This crisis is multilayered and it will include the economy, geopolitics and will lead to social riots, civil wars and other local confrontations.”

My Comment: Unless we become aware of the mutual connection of the world and begin to accept everyone as one whole in all our actions and in our relationships, we will not be able to manage the situation. All our actions will be divided and destructive. But seeing the world as one whole can only result from becoming familiar with the wisdom of Kabbalah and by  studying the internal structure of the world.

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How To Uncover The Future

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What does it mean to reveal the higher force, to uncover its intention, to reveal where it is leading me, and to uncover what it wants?

Answer: Ramchal (Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, a great Kabbalist who lived in the 18th century in Italy), wrote that the wisdom of Kabbalah is intended only in order to learn the governance and purpose of the higher desire: why the Creator made all of these creations, what He wants from them, and what will be the end of all the incarnations of the world.

You shall know everything in terms of what happens in your body, in your thoughts, desires, in the mind and in the heart, everything that is happening in the world and where it leads. I am talking about a high attainment when you are on the same level as the upper force, as it is written in Hosea 3:5: “Afterwards shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God… .”

You reveal the entire program of creation, all the forces that activate it, and you begin to receive the right to enter this program and control it, instead of the Creator. It is like with a child who grows up, and a father hands over his business so that the child will continue running it instead of him.

This is what it means to become a human being, man, since “man” (in Hebrew “Adam,” from the word “Domeh,” similar) means similar to the Creator, similar to the upper. This is what we need to reach.

Question: Does this revelation affect the everyday life of a person?

Answer: Of course! First of all, you become the master of everything that is happening. You know what you are living for and how to arrange your life in order to extract from it the greatest benefit.

Baal HaSulam writes in the article “The Teaching of Kabbalah and Its Essence” that the wisdom of Kabbalah is the revelation of the higher governing force in all its properties and manifestations unfolding in the worlds and subject to the revelation by man in the future, until the end of all generations.

In other words, you see all the prospects ahead, until the end of the existence of our world at 6,000 years counting from the first revelation of the Creator to Adam HaRishon 5775 years ago. You will reveal the future.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 8/8/15

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Who Manages Us?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I have had unusual moments in life that I don’t know how to explain. An example of this is when I have needed to make a “Yes-No” decision, and I felt, knew, or wanted to say, “No,” but I was terribly afraid of saying this.

And suddenly for a few moments, I saw my future if I were to say, “Yes,” and I saw and felt fear and an anxiety that was much stronger than the fear of saying “No,” so I said, “No.”

There were more situations in which I acted in an apparent split. Logic told me one thing, whereas the body did something else and said something else, something that I would never have said or done. All of these events changed my life drastically.

I suspect that this happens to all people, but they simply don’t pay attention to this. my question is: What is this? From where does this intervention come that seems external to me?

Answer: We are constantly under external influences, since there is simply nothing else. More precisely, this is internal influence. It builds in us a feeling of this world and of ourselves. The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals to us the possibilities of influencing this source of feeling about ourselves and our world and for us becoming the builders of the world and of everything that is felt in us, which is Olam Ein Sof.

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Our Universe Is Dying

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom the News (gazeta.ru):  “Astronomers who have been studying 200,000 galaxies in the Milky Way have noticed that the universe is gradually dying. Its stars have become twice as dim in the duration of 2 billion years. This is the conclusion of an international group of astronomers who have measured the energy emission of galaxies.

“All the energy in the universe was created in the Big Bang and some of it is concentrated in the mass of matter. The stars shine as a result of the thermonuclear transformation of this mass into energy, which is described by Einstein’s famous formula E = mc2.

“So the energy emission of galaxies today is only half of the energy that was emitted 2 billion years ago, which means that the universe is gradually being extinguished and is dying out.”

My Comment: As I always say, the wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about the finite and temporary nature of our world, or of what we perceive by our consciousness as our world. It is because we don’t see ourselves or what is around us, but only the world that is inside us. The wisdom of Kabbalah is revealed precisely for the purpose of allowing us to correct the feeling of our reality and to ascend in our feelings above the limited world that is felt by our egoistic attributes. We then ascend to an unlimited world, the world of Ein Sof (Infinity), that is felt in our corrected altruistic attributes of love and bestowal. This wisdom promises us a smooth transition from our world to the upper world and the gradual disconnection from the feeling (consciousness) of our body and of this world, to the extent that we change the attributes of receiving to the attributes of bestowal.

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A Single Leap To Happiness

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: There is a Japanese proverb that says: “Troubles will transform you into a precious stone.” How do you relate to this?

Answer: This is Samurai philosophy and speaks about the way of suffering. I think that we have no need for this at all, since we go our own way. Why do we need to go towards happiness through the way of suffering? We can leap above it immediately, as the Jews very well know.

In the meantime, we haven’t succeeded in doing this because we don’t want to listen to the method that we received thousands of years ago, the wisdom of Kabbalah, but it can lead us to happiness in a single leap.

Comment: But nevertheless, when you had health problems, your teacher said that he was envious of you because he saw this as a sign of advancement.

Answer: Certainly thanks to suffering a person improves because suffering works against the ego that wants pleasure all the time. So another system of study and understanding appeared that was opposed to the ego. But this is not the right way!

Christianity says: “If they slap you on one cheek, give them the other cheek also.” This is not right. We must go another way. The wisdom of Kabbalah explains everything in a very simple way. The Creator created life and death, so choose life. With all our might we must yearn for good, for love, for ease, and not burrow into suffering. We have no need for it. To go willingly into exile, suffer there, and this will be better for all people is absolutely the wrong way! The ego intentionally attracts us there and this is not the Kabbalistic approach towards the world, our history, our mission.

The Creator blesses us with peace, happiness, Light, and warmth, but in no way with suffering. For in suffering, the person is not prepared to bless the Creator. He cannot cry and say: “How good it is for me to be with you!” After all, this is a lie. So it is forbidden for us to develop our own suffering. Christianity is based upon this. But from the point of view of the wisdom of Kabbalah, this is absolutely incorrect.

Question: So what does “Rejoice when the wicked are revealed to you” mean?

Answer: It means to rejoice when your defects are discovered within you. You are happy about this and don’t suffer. This is happiness because your personal characteristics are now being revealed, and you see that you can correct them. If they are revealed to you from above, it means that you will surely correct them.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 8/5/15

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