Entries in the 'Depression' Category

Depression -The 21st Century Plague

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (M. Nikulina and M. Zubritskaya, Federal University): The entire psychiatric community all over the world is saying that now we are entering into an era of borderline neuropsychiatric conditions. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the number of people who require psychological treatment is growing more rapidly than the number of patients with cardiovascular and cancerous diseases.

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a low mood with a pessimistic self-esteem, the inhibition of intellectual and motor activity, and diminished motivation. In the United States, around 15 million people are suffering from this illness. The mechanisms of depression are still unknown.

Antidepressants were produced 50 years ago. In the past depression was treated with herbal infusions like Duda or Hellebore. Pythagoras recommended listening to music. The media call depression a 21st century plague. In 2020 depression will be first among all illnesses.

A state of depression can continue for months, and prolonged depression for years. One of the symptoms of depression is hopelessness, it seems that it will go on forever, and the future is portrayed in very dark colors.

There are plenty of reasons for depression: familial problems, conflicts at work, lack of faith in the future, health problems, and crucial age groups.

Depression is not a sign of weakness of character, this is a real illness that requires medical intervention, as depression is a disturbance in the biochemical processes of the body.

Comment: Lack of egoistic fulfillment is the specific cause of all depression, as well as all diseases. So the number of patients with this disease will grow and the treatment will continue to be less effective until millions of people will be cut off from life. Then they will agree to listen to the advice that the wisdom of Kabbalah gives: how to be filled with Light!

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Depression Is Sweeping The World
I’d Rather Jump Into The Water
The Cure For Depression Is A Connection With Other People

The Most Important Job In The World

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe have entered a very peculiar stage of human development. Evolution brought us to a sensation that this world is uncomfortable, wrong, and unsuitable for us; it really doesn’t matter whether it is our fault or not.

To what extent are we to blame, I cannot say. After all, we only act the way we are able to. People are what they are! What can be done about it? Can we demand more from them? Should we make this world a better place or should we continue “rotating” together with it? In general, are we really capable of acting differently by going against our nature? We are governed by our nature; this is how we are built. Can we change anything?

We see that our life is difficult and uncomfortable; the future does not appear rosy to us at all. Is it in our power to alter our life?

At this point, the wisdom of Kabbalah steps into the picture. This knowledge explores the entire reality and the human in it. Kabbalah’ exploration of nature is extremely deep, researching must deeper levels than all conventional sciences. This wisdom explains exactly what can be done to change our reality for the better.

In essence, we arrive to a very easy and obvious conclusion, which is not news to us: The problem is in our egoistic nature. We are driven by our egoism, the force of separation among us. Each one pursues one’s personal benefits and relishes being “superior” to others by making others “inferior.” People feel happy when they feel superior to their neighbors.

If we were not driven by this force, if we strived to unity and equality, we would feel much better. Mankind has always thought that they could achieve equality and justice. There have been many battles and revolutions throughout history, but we see that all of them were useless.

So Kabbalah teaches us how to live a good life. Besides many other benefits, it explains how to attain balance and similarity with nature. It shows how to avoid hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, cold and heat waves, global warming, extinction of plant and animal species, etc. People are the only ones who can balance out all levels of nature so that all of its parts (inanimate, vegetative, animate, and speaking) will achieve harmony and accord, thus living a good life in a state of homeostasis.

On top of that, our work on attaining a correct type of unity contains one detail: out of the entire humanity, this work is entrusted to a small group that from the Babylonian time, from the cradle of human history, demonstrated that it is capable of, interested in, and meant for this role. This group aspires to unity and in essence is ready to take care of the rest of humanity that is not concerned about things like that.

When this group emerged in ancient Babylon, it was named “Israel” meaning “directly to the Creator (Yashar-El).”  It aspires to attain unity. The Creator (El) in essence is “The One”—the unified reality.

Today, after three and a half thousand years, this group doesn’t match the role it was chosen for. However, similarly to ancient Babylon, in present Babylon there emerge people who also strive to unity. That’s why they too are called “Israel.” Implementation of their predestination is a must for them.

Besides, there are people who were a part of the group named “Israel” at one point in the history, but later they dropped their ideals. They also are obligated to participate in the quest for unity. Thus, there are several circles of people whose duty is to partake in the process of the world correction.

1. First of all, there are the parts of Israel who awakened on their own to fulfill this work. No matter what country they are born in, they are a part of the desire to save humanity.

2. Those who belong to Israel by the fact of their birth, by heredity. They also are involved into the process even though they don’t know it, don’t understand, and don’t want it.

3. The rest of humanity.

Today, unity turned into a universal heritage. All over the world, people who understand that only by attaining unity can we escape all disasters caused by our antagonism with nature; they are trying hard to find solutions to the crisis we are presently in. Gradually, sooner or later, they come to the wisdom of Kabbalah. It occurs that this knowledge is a source of correction and a cradle of understanding and energy.

Kabbalists wrote a lot about what exactly can and will save humanity. Moreover, the wisdom of Kabbalah explains that we should not run away from misfortunes as wild animals from a burning forest. On the contrary, our current state “hides” nature’s deep intention to elevate us to a higher level ,not just by sending us disasters to force us look for salvation. This scenario isn’t worthy of nature’s perfection.

The thing is that by self-correction and unification we rise to a new level of existence and go out to a broad and impeccable world, into the reality that exists above matter. We will see that our genuine life, our true bodies and souls, are there.

Kabbalists explains to us what the ways of awakening to the real life are. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah is meant for.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/10/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

Related Material:
There Is Nothing To Envy
The Endless Struggle With The Ego
The Beginning Of The Unity Of Humanity

The Material Curse Of Humanity

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Facte.ru): “Over the past 50 years, Germans have become richer by 400%, while the number of people suffering from depression has increased by 38%. Advertising instills a feeling of inferiority in people if they do not buy the new, the fashionable.

“$500 billion is spent on advertising per year; this money is enough to make humanity feel miserable. Only $50 billion a year is necessary to solve the problem of hunger in the world.

“The main problem is not that we should throw away good things because they are out of fashion. The human tragedy is unjustified expectations. Having bought a new car, a man enjoys it for a very short time. If the next day his friends get a car better than his, this joy will be limited to just one day. Without noticing, many of us become unhappy in the pursuit of new fashionable things.”

My Comment: Getting out of this race is possible only by consistent participation in one’s own re-education under the influence of the right environment according to the method of integral education and upbringing.

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Advertising, Consumption, And Unemployment…
Defining Vital Necessities
Let’s Get Things In Order

Depressed Humanity

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from The Richest):Depression is an illness that plagues millions of people, all over the world. Sure, we all can feel sad or down sometimes, but when someone is dealing with depression, it is a never-ending and sometimes all-consuming battle. …

“While depression doesn’t discriminate against people, there seem to be some demographics that tend to be more depressed than others. Whether it is economics, the culture, or background, the fact that there are countries that have a higher rate of depression than others is worth looking examining. …

“According to the United Census Bureau and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 5.4% of the world’s population deals with depression.

10. Italy – 3.8%. It’s interesting to look into the societal views of depression in Italy. Based on a national survey, 75% of respondents believed that those suffering from the mental illness should avoid talking about it. Italians are no strangers to the illness, with almost 4% acknowledging that they may suffer from the condition. When it comes to the cause of depression, it varies anywhere from dynamics in the personal lives of the participants (i.e., death, divorce, school, money), while the recently struggling political and economic environment in Italy could well be a contributing factor.

9. Mexico – 4.8% Studies have shown that depression in Mexico affects more women than it does men, and increases with age. But there were lower rates of depression among those in the population who were more educated. When it comes to depression in Mexico, it’s worth taking a look at the Mexican culture. With more success, depression rates are reduced. Success could mean anything from marriage, to having kids, to getting a good education: Depression was much higher among women who were single, divorced, or widowed.

8. Spain – 4.9% In terms of the percentages, adolescents are greatly affected by depression in the country.

7. Belgium – 6.2% Depression has become a recent epidemic in Belgium. The country made headlines recently when it became the first country to legalise euthanization in certain extreme cases of terminally ill children. … The idea is that the high numbers of depression sufferers might mean more Belgian citizens contemplating suicide, and with euthanasia becoming more readily available, those who may have considered ending their life may be able to do so through more convenient, legal means.

6. Lebanon – 6.6% Life in Lebanon is undeniably stressful which leaves many worried about the future of their homes, jobs, and families. Trends show that the citizens of Lebanon prefer medication over therapy, likely due to the rising cost of the latter. But the cultural perception of therapy has also been cited as a possible reason behind depressed Lebanese citizens avoiding therapy – a 2011 report on the issue in the Daily Star Lebanon stated that Lebanese ‘don’t believe in talk-therapy’.

5. Colombia – 6.8% The country has been through its share of political hardship, war, and economic downturn – it’s speculated that if there were more resources for treatment, the depression rate could be reduced.

4. Netherlands – 6.9% Compared to the rest of Europe, the Dutch have notably higher depression rates than most – which seems to, in some ways, contradict recent studies suggesting that the Netherlands is the best place to raise children. But residents of the Netherlands are asking the world to think about context and perception – they say the Dutch culture is just generally a bit more morose than that of their neighbours.

3. France – 8.5% The French may be the most likely candidates to suffer from clinical depression, given the stereotypes of the French of often wearing black, drinking coffee or wine, all while smoking a cigarette and approaching life in a cynical manner. … In 2008, it emerged that the citizens of France consume more antidepressants than any other country in the world.

2. Ukraine – 9.1% It is common knowledge now that tensions are high in the Ukraine. … However researchers, psychiatrists, and psychologists have explained the depression rate by crediting it to the transition to a post-communist state and the ongoing recovery from the stress of the 1986 Chernobyl incident. Of course, the current political upheaval occurring in the Ukraine right now probably hasn’t helped matters.

1. United States – 9.6% No doubt that the North American country has its troubles in terms of politics and the economy. People are losing their jobs, and the economy is slowly recovering from a recession. In a country where prices are rising and wages are falling, it might be said that Americans can be justified in their feelings of depression.”

My Comment: Of course, this all is according to the polls, but people prefer not to talk about their feelings. But the main thing is not the indicators but the trend. Ahead of us, there is either the darkness of the Middle Ages or re-education towards love and bestowal.

Related Material:
Depression: The Disease Of The Century
Depression Facts And Stats
Depression Is Sweeping The World

The Method Of Recovery

Dr. Michael LaitmanThere are several types of depression. There is personal depression and there is general, collective depression.

Personal depression is passive. Collective depression is active and is characterized, for example, by people all climbing a barricade together. They don’t lie around quietly hoping for better times, rather they go out to demonstrate, destroying and shattering everything around them, just to be together.

Their power and support for each other is based upon this. This is a terrible phenomenon, for depression like this can cultivate fascism and nationalism.

So, it is very important to change their direction by using the method of the wisdom of connection.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/20/13

Related Material:
Studies: Depression Spreads Like Infection
“Culture Of We” Buffers Genetic Tendency To Depression
Depression: The Disease Of The Century

From Depression To Creativity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Suppose that parents organize a club for their children where they arrange discussions. But in this group two of the youths are troubled children who are deeply depressed that could infect the others. What should be done about that?

Answer: If the communication between the youths takes place naturally, then it’s necessary for them to relax through soulful songs around a campfire so that they will not be closed within themselves and will begin the conversation from a distance. What can be good for a person in life and what can be bad? Our nature seeks only good. But if we are locked in, eating ourselves up, are we having fun? So why don’t we escape from this?

What is this force that exists in me that puts me into a state of despair, darkness, and emptiness all the time? Could it be that this is the thing that I must struggle with somehow? And if I do struggle, I will discover such forces within me that act in opposition and that will raise me to particular heights in art, literature, science, sports and so forth. So it’s necessary to accept, with a blessing, everything that there is in a person, even the most depressed state that basically pushes a person towards the good, but only when this doesn’t lock the person inside himself like a cocoon.

On the contrary, a state of dissatisfaction pushes us forward, so it’s necessary to make it creative. And this is possible only with the help of the environment, where one person pushes forward and the other pulls backward, and between them a mutual movement appears. They check each other, inspecting the general movement between them etc. In other words, it’s necessary to support depressed children so that their condition can be creative.

Lots of famous writers, composers, and scientists experienced depression, and in order to get out of it, they engaged in creating. This was a cure for them, a salvation. They gave humanity creative gifts of classical masterpieces precisely thanks to their success at rising above their depression and using it in the right way.

How can we creatively use despair, difficulties, disappointments, and depression that are so widespread in the world today that result in neglect and disregard for everything? After all, from these states the next human, social, political, and national condition will be born.

Therefore, it’s forbidden to cast these states to the side and to consider them as something that is not good. On the contrary, it’s necessary to yearn to transform their strong, negative energy into something positive.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 12/12/13

Related Material:
A Good Example
A Good And Bad Environment
Look At Yourself From The Side

Look At Yourself From The Side

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Suppose that I brought my child to a group in which seven out of ten children are depressed. Don’t I need to worry that their state will pass on to others?

Answer: No! It’s necessary to try to separate them from themselves immediately. “Friends, come, let’s talk about what is happening with us, from the side. This is me, a human being. And this is my body. Within the body, there are all kinds of forces, moods, and views.

“And what if I would get out of my body and take a look at it from the side, as though I have assembled myself differently? Let’s imagine ourselves in another form, as we rise above ourselves. Is it possible to achieve this?

“Was I created in such a form that I cannot be disengaged from myself? Or does there exist some kind of gap between the inner self and the external self where I can gradually begin to learn about myself from the side?” Regular psychological training like this makes it possible for a person to see that this is not himself but a particular external intention of the environment that surrounds him.

Could it be that the child simply read a lot of novels or saw television programs that awakened a sense of hopelessness? Even 100 to 150 years ago something called noble detachment was in fashion: “a hero of our times,” and so forth. In world literature, particularly in Russian literature, many books were dedicated to a search derived from inner darkness.

And it could be that he simply brags and boasts about this state, showing: “Look how I am! What attracts you doesn’t interest me!” So it’s necessary to check the origins from where depression in children is derived.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 12/12/13

Related Material:
From Depression To Creativity
A Good And Bad Environment
A Good Example

The Depressed Generation

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from DailyMail): “The use of antidepressant medication in the UK has increased five-fold since 1991, new data reveals. It also showed that the use of such drugs had increased by 20 per cent each year across Europe over a similar period. This increase in uptake across Europe was found to have coincided with a gradual decline in suicide rates. …

“Between 1995 and 2009, the use of antidepressants across Europe increased by almost 20 per cent per year on average, with a corresponding 0.8 per cent annual reduction in the suicide rate.

“Sweden, Norway and Slovakia have seen the largest growth in antidepressant usage with an 1000 per cent increase in Sweden’s case between 1980 and 2009 – while the lowest growths have been recorded in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Bulgaria, France and Luxembourg.

“The United Kingdom has recorded a five-fold increase (495 per cent) in the use of antidepressants since 1991 and a 14 per cent fall in suicide rates over the same period.”

My Comment: Everything is heading towards legalizing drugs. This is the only thing that can explain strong anti-smoking advertising: drugs instead of regular cigarettes. The elite is concerned about how to calm the population.

Related Material:
Fighting Drugs: New Challenges
Depression: The Disease Of The Century
Depression Is Sweeping The World

Studies: Depression Spreads Like Infection

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Notre Dame News): “According to a new study from the University of Notre Dame, a particular style of thinking that makes people vulnerable to depression actually can be ‘contagious’ to others and increase their symptoms of depression six months later. …

“’Our findings suggest that it may be possible to use an individual’s social environment as part of the intervention process, either as a supplement to existing cognitive interventions or possibly as a stand-alone intervention,’ according to Notre Dame Psychology Professor Gerald Haeffel.

“’Our study demonstrates that cognitive vulnerability has the potential to wax and wane over time depending on the social context, which means that cognitive vulnerability should be thought of as plastic rather than immutable.’”

My Comment: Moreover, it is transmitted like all our other impacts to the environment and then back, from the environment to us, in the form of “viral” waves, influences, that we do not feel. Since we are all connected to the network of universal connection between ourselves as well as to the entire still, vegetative, and animate world, we catch this “virus” and, conversely it catches our emotional state.

This is seen most clearly in the relationship between pets and their owners: Animals are at risk of getting the same illnesses, especially depression. The study confirms again that a person can feel happiness only in a “healthy” society, which means that it depends only on our relationship and mutual desire for happiness.

Related Material:
Depression: The Disease Of The Century
The Depression Cure
Depression Is Sweeping The World

Prescription Overdoses Cause More Death Than Drugs

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from USA Today): “Drug overdose deaths rose for the 11th straight year, federal data show, and most of them were accidents involving addictive painkillers despite growing attention to risks from these medicines.

“‘The big picture is that this is a big problem that has gotten much worse quickly,’ said Thomas Frieden, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which gathered and analyzed the data.

“In 2010, the CDC reported, there were 38,329 drug overdose deaths nationwide. Medicines, mostly prescription drugs, were involved in nearly 60% of overdose deaths that year, overshadowing deaths from illicit narcotics. …

“Anti-anxiety drugs including Valium were among common causes of medication-related deaths, involved in almost 30% of them. Among the medication-related deaths, 17% were suicides….

“Last month, a federal panel of drug safety specialists recommended that Vicodin and dozens of other medicines be subjected to the same restrictions as other narcotic drugs like oxycodone and morphine.”

My Comment: The problem is not in treatment, but in the eradication of causes, and it is in general depression, emptiness, and lack of meaning. If a person is filled with good mood and spirit, he will almost always be healthy.

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Healthcare For One’s Pocket
Pharmaceutical Industry In Crisis
Depression Is Sweeping The World