Entries in the 'Conventions' Category

For the Shoots of the Spiritual Harvest to Sprout

947Question: I want to become similar to the Creator. What particularly attracts and gives me greatness of the Creator is His self-annulment, His humility, and the fact that He does everything and does not manifest Himself anywhere. How can one achieve this annulment, how can one achieve such a blessing?

Answer: It happens naturally. When a person engages in Kabbalah correctly, under the influence of the upper light, he receives such an impact from above that he becomes humble. What does he need? Just to lean on the Creator. This means to desire nothing except that all the goodness emanating from the Creator into this world will pass through the soil and the shoots will sprout.

Question: We are approaching the convention now. What advice would you give on how to achieve this annulment in the world group right at the convention?

Answer: Think that we all must be together in mutual annulment toward each other, and then from us will grow exactly the crop that needs to grow in the field and will feed all people in the world, both spiritually and physically.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Field that the Lord Has Blessed”

Related Material:
To Become Similar To The Creator
How Can We Become Like The Creator?
The Soul Is the Part of One’s Desire That’s Similar to the Creator

Let Everyone into Your Heart

942Question: How can the world Kli tens properly merge into the convention?

Answer: I open my heart to everyone. Let everyone enter it. Everything that I receive from the Creator, I am ready to give to everyone. I constantly take care of this connection between us. Then we will succeed.

Question: But we will go through many different states at the convention. Something will distract me, maybe even throw me out of the state of unity. How do I stick to this particular point?

Answer: Don’t get distracted. Stick to all the hearts, gather them in your hands, and hold them together as one common heart. This is the only way you will feel constantly connected with the whole Kli and with the Creator. The main thing is to think about unity, about the common heart of the convention.

Question: Precisely when I work in the ten?

Answer: You don’t work in the ten, you work in everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/20/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Time of Descent”

Related Material:
Let Everyone Enter Into My Heart
Let’s Open Our Hearts
Opening Hearts

Convention: Making a Big Correction in the World

938.03Question: Now at the convention, we will gather with friends in the tens and try to feel the internal connections between us. How can we come together to the first condition of the prayer that only the Creator can correct us?

Answer: Talk about this with your friends and make sure that they think the same way that only the Creator can correct your condition.

Question: And how can we together with the whole world Kli cultivate this common cry?

Answer: To do this, you should try together to get as close to each other as possible, embrace everyone, feel the vibrations of your friends, and unite with them so that there is no space between you.

Come together, bring yourself closer to a global connection, and we will make a big correction in the world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Three Conditions in Prayer”

Related Material:
What Should We Focus on during a Kabbalah Convention?
Let Everyone into Your Heart
With What Desires Should We Come To the Convention?

International Kabbalah Convention “Life In The Ten,” Day Two – 1/28/24

1st part of the Lesson — International Kabbalah Convention “Each One Shall Help His Friend,” Lesson 3

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2nd part of the Lesson — International Kabbalah Convention “There Is None Else Besides Him,” Lesson 4

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International Kabbalah Convention “Life In The Ten,” Day One – 1/27/24

1st part of the Lesson — International Kabbalah Convention “The Purpose of the Ten,” Lesson 1

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2nd part of the Lesson — International Kabbalah Convention “The Agenda of the Assembly,” Lesson 2

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What Should We Focus on during a Kabbalah Convention?

943Question: When we are in a state of ascent, especially at a convention, we unite and feel pleasure from the light of the Creator.

If we do not make further efforts, but remain in a state of enjoyment, will we sooner or later fall?

Answer: Yes, as soon as you lose movement between yourself and forward toward the Creator, you immediately lose your state and fall back into sole egoism.

Question: If at the moment of the fall we begin to act with the help of the group and the sources, then we rise again?

Answer: Yes, but you cannot use it at the convention, there is no time, it is not the right state. At a Kabbalah convention, you should just feel each other and thus not lose your heart.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/20/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Time of Descent”

Related Material:
The Congress Takes Place in Our Hearts
Let’s Open Our Hearts
Everything Starts From the Connection of the Hearts

The Power of the World Group

938.04Question: When our international group gathers together, do you somehow feel its common desire differently?

Answer: Yes. It is stronger and broader. It comes with greater necessity. It is more vivid and explicit.

People come from all corners of the world with very serious intentions, very serious desires. Their presence here strongly influences everyone. In essence, they evoke the primary desire that I work on.

These periods when all groups come together for congresses are the most powerful. And then, when we collectively enter the sensation of the upper world, meaning, we create above us a spiritual sensor with our common desires, we practically don’t even need to communicate with each other.

I remember traveling with Rabash to several Kabbalists he communicated with, and I would ask him, “So, did he reveal himself?” Rabash would reply, “No, he didn’t want to reveal himself. Although we talked to him, he internally closed himself off so much that I can’t say anything about him.”

Such a thing exists among Kabbalists. We have yet to come to that. The stages, the development, we are going through, have had no analogues in the world. And today, the whole world is returning to the perception of eternity and perfection, as we were at the beginning of our origin.

Therefore, to say that everything happening in the world now is analogous to what happened with Kabbalists throughout history, we cannot. Today, a completely new system is emerging—a true one! The Kabbalists of the past prepared everything for us.
From KabTV’s “I got a call. The Power of the World Group” 12/2/11

Related Material:
The Secret Of Kabbalah Conventions
A Sign of the Last Generation
Solitude Or Congress?

Understand Your Nature

531.02Question: The Creator gave me the opportunity to see how egoistic I am, how much my heart is still closed and not willing to let anyone in, and the fact that I used to think of myself as kind and sweet was an illusion.

Such opportunities to see your true self are not revealed every day. Does it depend on me or on the Creator?

Answer: It depends on you. The Creator will not give you new feelings if you do not strive to be connected to others in an utmost heartfelt kind of connection, connected by the heart’s desire.
From the 1st part of the Lesson of the International Kabbalistic Convention “Opening Hearts” 10/01/23, Lesson 4 “Connecting As One Man with One Heart”

Related Material:
The Rapprochement of the Hearts
Feel the Friend
There Is No Light Without Friends

The Right to a Desire

549.02Question: I have a feeling that the Creator created our group for something great. I cannot do anything about it; my desire is to correct the world. But it seems egoistic. Do I have the right to such a desire?

Answer: Of course you have the right. Any desire that exists in a person is from the Creator, and then a person has to think about how and what to do with this desire in order to come closer to the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Lesson of the International Kabbalistic Convention “Opening Hearts” 10/01/23, Lesson 4 “Connecting As One Man with One Heart”

Related Material:
Desire Is Not Broken – The Screen Is
Living In Intention Instead Of Desire
True Love Is The Fulfillment Of Another’s Desire

Embed in a Shared Sensor

937People who come to the congress first of all invest in themselves. This is the only real contribution! Everything else burns out.

They come, pay, and are ready to participate in everything because they feel that everything else is worthless!

I remember when I started studying Kabbalah, I was told: “What are you doing? You are 30 years old! First, take a walk, earn money, and travel around the world! You have not been anywhere yet! Why are you burying yourself? And when you are close to 60, closer to retirement, you will start studying the future of the world.” I heard it often from people. “So young…” That’s it. What will you do?

Question: How does the accumulation process work? How does a person invest himself?

Answer: As a shareholder, one invests in a common sensor, and it becomes a part of him or her.

This is really a contribution to the most reliable bank! This is not Bank of America, but an eternal, perfect bank! How much effort you put into it, it is all yours!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Congress is a Spiritual Contribution” 11/29/11

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A Gift from the Congress
A Heart-Opening Convention
Convention Like The Beating Of One Heart