Mandatory Condition

543.02Now that we have been rewarded with all the above, we will have some understanding of His uniqueness, that His thoughts are not our thoughts, and all the abundance of matters and forms we perceive in this reality before us is united in Him in a single thought, being the thought of creation to delight His creations (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 5, Item 22).

Question: It is written that the Creator has only one thought—to delight us. Why is it so difficult to see this in our daily life?

Baal HaSulam writes that if, at the end of a person’s life, you weigh how much that person enjoyed and how much he suffered, then he would not want to be born at all because we are always at a loss. On one hand the Creator has a purpose and a thought to fulfill us, but on the other hand we do not feel this. Why?

Answer: It is because no one wants to listen to the Creator; no one wants to follow His advice.

The Creator says a very simple thing: You can reach absolute enjoyment, fulfillment, knowledge, or anything, only on the condition that you love your neighbor.

Once you have reached love for your neighbor, that is it; you are already connected with the Creator and you are already enjoying. But where do you see people who, upon hearing this, would immediately begin to aspire for such a state?

Comment: They just do not understand what it is.

My Response: What do you mean by they do not understand? It is very simple. Can you imagine being loved? Do the same to others. “No, anything but that!”

Comment: Basically, yes. It is hard.

My Response: I would say it is impossible. But this is a mandatory condition.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 12/18/22

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