Kabbalah And Magic

laitman_628_4Question: It is written in The Book of Zohar that Egyptians were powerful wizards. Many magicians state that they possess magical powers because they study Kabbalah. Is it possible? By the way, this is written not only in The Book of Zohar, but also in the Torah and the Great Commentary.

Answer: Many books that we study in Kabbalah mention this. Some of them were written 4,000 years ago. For example, the Great Commentary was written in 1,600 BC and the book The Secret Angel, which came to us from Adam, is 5,770 years old.

Many books have been lost over the years, but there are sources that mention them. We have the Book of Creation (Sefer Yetzira) from Abraham that was written 3,600 years ago.

As for magicians that supposedly received powers from Kabbalah, one can say anything, but there are no miracles in the world.

Kabbalah is an amazing, absolutely materialistic knowledge. Its main principle is: “We do not speak about what we do not attain.” That is, you have the right to speak only about what you can attain and describe, but if you don’t attain, be silent, because it already is a mysticism.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/22/17

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