Two Types of Worldviews

294.3Comment: An ordinary person thinks that they do everything in this world themselves: “I am so amazing, so astonishing, so wonderful.” But in Kabbalah, a person realizes that they are influenced by a system. They start to feel this system and understand that it is not them. In this way, they begin to attain themselves.

This is the huge difference between the two layers: the external perception of the world and the inner perception, which is inherent to a person studying Kabbalah.

My Response: Yes that is true. But it is difficult for me to talk about this because I perceive the world a little differently than others. Sometimes it is hard for me to connect with a person who only feels what they perceive. I can no longer imagine such a state.

I try to get closer to them to explain my philosophy, worldview, and feelings. But, as a rule, I do not succeed very much in this. It is hard. We see this with all Kabbalists.

After all, a person in our world lacks a spiritual organ of perception. Therefore, we attract them like a child with “toys,” and “sweets,” until they start to engage in the process of their own development and begin to feel the upper world within themselves.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Am I a Puppet?” 4/10/10

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