Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/12/24

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Between Good and Evil

591Question: How do you keep a balance between good and evil?

Answer: We cannot maintain such a balance. We do not need this at all since these calculations are inherently egoistic. We must try to surrender fully to the Creator.

Live in a state where you feel completely open to the Creator. Gradually, these feelings will settle in you and take their place.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith?”

Related Material:
The Law Of Balance Of Good And Evil
The Path Between Good And Evil
Independent Of Good And Evil

Where Does History Lead Us?

944Question: The exodus from Egypt is the last material frontier of the egoistic world. Beyond it there is a conditional line, where after crossing it, a person begins to feel love and bestowal of the Creator.

What is this transformation that we are undergoing?

Answer: This is the last correction, which is called the final correction (Gmar Tikkun).

It occurred when a group of Kabbalists led by Moses exited Egypt, united with the Creator, received the Torah on Mount Sinai, and thus attained their final correction.

In other words, all this has already happened. Today, we, under no circumstances, need to go to Mount Sinai and climb it. The only thing we have to do is to be internally and spiritually ready for unity in the movement from heart to heart.

Then, we will feel the state called one nation in one heart. That is where history leads us. Everything that happens in the world is only necessary for us to complete it. We live in the happiest time.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/24, Writings of Rabash “When Pharaoh Sent the People”

Related Material:
We Exit Egypt Every Second
What Does It Take To Get out of Egypt?
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”

“And the Children of Israel Sighed from the Work”

931.01Question: It is written, “And the children of Israel sighed from the work, and they cried out, and their cry rose up to God.” Where does this cry come from?

Answer: It comes from a sense of helplessness that people want to unite to succeed and receive fulfillment from the Creator through their efforts, but they see they are unable.

From this, their cry arises, like a drowning person who can do nothing in the sea except cry out for help.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/24, Writings of Rabash “The Connection between Passover, Matza, and Maror

Related Material:
A Cry In The Desert
When the Soul Is Crying
Crying Over A Heart Of Stone

Love in Two Ways

527.03Question: It is written that a person can discover love in a good way or with harsh judgments. How is this related to the feeling that I stand before the King and can reveal this love in two ways?

Answer: This is an emotion; therefore, I cannot convey it to you. Either you desire to increase good within yourself and thus come closer to the Creator, or you demand something to come closer to the Creator.

That is what we do in life. You can ask, cry, and thus draw closer, or make a demand.

In principle, a person should reach such love for the Creator with which the Creator loves him. But this is practically an unattainable degree. That is the end of all corrections.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith?”

Related Material:
To Feel Love, You, Yourself Have To Love
How to Acquire Love for the Creator
How To Reach Love Of The Creator

Become Like the Creator

537All spiritual states that a person must go through are inherent within him in potential.

In principle, the Torah and Kabbalah first describe the process of creating creation from top to bottom. But when a person begins to spiritually ascend on their own, from bottom to top, they enter into these same states through which they descended, only now they are revealing the forces that already exist within them.

After being filled with the upper light, one restricts oneself because a person feels shame. Then the process of concealing the Creator begins, followed by the subsequent attainment, where a person reveals the Creator to the extent of one’s similarity to Him.

Question: What is the difference between the similarity to the Creator when a person ascends from bottom to top, and the one that was on the sixth day of creation?

Answer: The difference is significant. In one case, it is done by the Creator, and in the other case, creation is given the opportunity to create a likeness to the Creator from within itself.

On the sixth day, this happened under the influence of the forces inherent in potential. But when we ascend from bottom to top, we take these forces and realize them ourselves and create a human out of ourselves, Adam – from the word “Domeh” (similar).

This means that everyone must write the Torah in their own heart, in their own desire.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/21/24

Related Material:
How Can We Become Like The Creator?
The Force Leading to the Creator
What Can Bring Contentment to the Creator?

Questions about Spiritual Work—118

281.02Question: How can we check if we are ready to work in self-annulment with all our hearts?

Answer: The evidence is how much a person can dedicate himself to the goal.

Question: The connection with the Creator has degrees. What kind of work helps you see a new degree and not just have a connection?

Answer: Connect with your friends and try to reach the Creator through them, that will be your building of the degrees.

Question: Is the revelation of evil a state or a degree?

Answer: This is a state where I feel how opposite I am to the Creator. At different degrees it comes and goes.

Question: Why does the Creator give man the power of faith?

Answer: Because a person is very eager to do this.

Question: If the Creator gives harsh judgments to someone in the ten, how is it right to react internally and externally to show this reaction?

Answer: Help a friend in any way and quietly pray for him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith?”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—117
Questions about Spiritual Work—116
Questions about Spiritual Work—115

Spiritual Partnership

630.2Question: Why, if women did not work and only cared for the house before, should they study in our time?

Answer: It is an entirely different time now. Over the past hundred years almost all women acquire a specialty, go to work, and, together with their husbands, provide for their families.

Question: Speaking of your students, can women advance spiritually simply by serving their husbands, your students, without studying themselves?

Answer: Without a doubt.

Question: Is it so simple?

Answer: It is complex. Suppose a woman is attached to her man and does everything he needs for life, and they live together and provide for each other spiritually and materially. In that case, the woman receives some of his spiritual baggage. In this union, they are partners.
From KabTV’s “Man and Women” 4/2/24

Related Material:
The Task of a Lifetime
A Spiritual Family
The Secret of Our Relationship

The Fourth Day of Creation

276.02On the fourth day of creation, the Almighty creates two great luminaries: the sun and the moon. In the science of Kabbalah, they are called Zeir Anpin and Malchut.

We are talking about the connection of man with the Creator. The moon is a small connection with the Creator and the sun is a big connection with Him. That is, life comes from the sun, and where its light does not reach, there is no life.

In other words, a small connection is the correction of lighter desires for connection with the Creator. And the big connection is the correction of the most egoistic desires.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/21/24

Related Material:
Second and Third Days of Creation
The First Day of Creation
Sun, Moon, and Earth

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/12/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “The Difference between Charity and Gift”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Lesson on the Topic of “Rising Above Reason”

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