The Joy of the Light of Unity

944Uniting is an action that in itself causes joy. After all, when a person feels another person and connects with everyone, this creates a feeling of great confidence and mutual connection, and this is how we attract an illumination from above, which awakens joy in us.

It is said that “Joy is a ‘reflection’ of good deeds.” Good deeds mean unification; there simply cannot be anything else that is good. Therefore, we need to reach unification, and it is absolutely necessary for the whole world because we see how it is being destroyed before our eyes more and more, day by day.

Therefore, at our convention, we must try to aim as much as possible toward unity and joy, that is, toward the right line, which is perfection. A person who is in a state of perfection is similar in form to the Creator, who is perfect, that is, now a person cleaves to the perfect, as it is said: “The blessed clings to the blessed.”

This means that the more joy we feel and attribute to the Creator, the closer we are to Him, the more strongly we will feel the light of Purim in response—the light of unity, the light of celebration, the light of unification. During the entire year, there is no higher state than Purim. On this day, we are illuminated by the light of the end of correction, which unites us and is capable of leading us out of any difficult condition no matter what we find ourselves in.

Everything depends only on our unification, unity, and joy, that we managed to rise above all our thoughts and all calculations. To multiply joy in the month of Adar means to unite around one common joy for everyone.

On this holiday, we leave all our calculations behind and think only about how to bring joy to everyone, that is, how to achieve a feeling of perfection, to come to similarity with the Creator, at least at the very first minimal degree, and then feel how a huge light of joy, which is called Purim, spreads among all of us.
From the Lesson 1 “Increasing the Joy” on Unity Day for Purim 3/23/24

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