A Rose without Thorns

275“Lily among the thorns” is finer than all the other lilies in the world because the pricks, meaning the sufferings she suffers from the wicked, cause him to receive new powers from above each time, and by this, his soul grows (Rabash, Article No. 22, 1991, “What Is ‘A Lily Among the Thorns,’ in the Work?”)

Question: On the spiritual path, we constantly encounter thorns that disturb us and distract us from our connection with the Creator. What is it that becomes a rose as a result of our work?

Answer: The rose symbolizes Malchut, which we comprehend in the best possible way precisely because we make our way to it through the thorns. Malchut is our common desire, which reveals the Creator to us.

Question: Is this rose (Malchut) given to us as a gift from the Creator or due to our efforts?

Answer: No, this is our egoistic desire, which we correct from all egoistic intentions, and then what remains is a pure rose.

When Malchut merges with Keter and there is no difference between them, a person is included in the Creator in wholeness, which is one’s correct goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is ‘A Lily Among the Thorns,’ in the Work?”

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