Turn on a Loving Heart

507.05Question: Do we have to force ourselves to activate a loving heart to realize what we have received from the Creator?

Answer: Of course, but how do we feel what we receive from Him? In our normal mode, the heart is not engaged. Therefore, at every moment of our existence we must determine where we are relative to the Creator, receive an answer, and move on.

We need to open ourselves to the Creator as much as possible, and based on this, we will know what our actions should be.

Question: What prevents us from set the desire for unification ablaze? What do we need to cancel in ourselves?

Answer: Your ego. Only the ego is holding us back.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is ‘A Lily Among the Thorns,’ in the Work?”

Related Material:
Reviving the Feeling in the Heart
In the Ocean of the Creator’s Love
Directed Straight to the Creator

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