Keep the Image of the Upper World before Yourself

263Question: How can your students, who have not felt the spiritual world, rise above material things and advance toward the goal without feeling the spiritual system?

Answer: They must keep the image of the spiritual system before them, and try to envision that they are in it because they are actually in it, just not yet with feelings. But by imagining it for themselves, they need to try to act in such a way.

Like a small child who tries to imitate an adult while sitting behind the wheel of a toy car, so must we imitate as if we are in this system and driving it forward.

That is how we need to invest in the spiritual system. That is called practical exercises.

Gradually, we will begin to feel where we are in it and where we are not. There are many articles and much advice from Kabbalists devoted to this topic.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Negative Properties” 1/5/12

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