Difference between States

528.02Question: How can I feel what state I am in, Katnut (small state) or Gadlut (big state)?

Answer: Check with your friends what you want when you are connected.

Comment: We want to reveal the Creator together.

Response: Then you need a big state—Gadlut.

Question: Is Katnut a constant state in the ten?

Answer: No, not Katnut, that is just a constant desire.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Discernment of the Next World, and There Is a Discernment of This World”

Related Material:
The Little “Me” And The Big “Me”
States Of Smallness (Katnut) And Greatness (Gadlut)
The Analysis Of One’s Own Egoism

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